Week 57: Pollitos!

Odds and Ends ●We had dinner with the Alsops! She has the cutest baby bump EVER! Her little son Peter came up to us before we left and he gave us a flower to share haha! ●So we went by Reggies. Reggie wasn't home. But this younger guy answered! We asked if he was home and then asked if we could share a message with him instead. He said his name is Lil Reggie. And he said no, so we turned away and said bye. Then he asks "Hey... does one of you have a phone number I could grab?" I'm like "yes we can send you the church address!" And then he continues... "so I can take one of y'all on a date to dinner or something?" And then we saw a fullllll smile of golden teeth. Bye Lil Reggie. Nice try. I am actually more confident and controlled when I'm rejecting creepy men on the mish. It's now a talent I'm glad to have acquired! ●So we had a lesson with the cute Potratz family about staying united through Jesus Christ. It's an object to...