Week 54: God works in mysterious ways and flat tire again?!

Odds and Ends 

●Had my second MLC. And also, I got sing I Will Be What I Believe with 2 of my past companions, Sister Bradshaw and Sister Horman! Ahhh! They are the best at the ukulele! They asked me spontaneously when they spent the night before the meeting if I'd sing with them! Bestest thing EVER. Plus got to have a sleepover with them too! And gave Sister Bradshaw the only dress I've ever given to another sister! Wow I'm a hoarder. Haha!
● I went to Anderson on exchanges and wow its awesome there! I got to be with Sister Coats, who i came out with and has the cutest bangs ever, and then Sister Wilson, who is so bubbly and sweet and is in her first transfer! Fun fact.. Like how Newberry has the dangerous Wise Street? They have the ALPHABET streets. Like straight up A, B...Y, Z! And they are scaryyy. Heard some gun shots during a porch pray and I've never prayed faster for a prayer to end in my LIFE! 
●On of our appointments called with this note on their door:
"My track &legs hurt so badly today that I have nothing nice to say. It seems that I have more bad days than good & I can't predict either- so I ask you to please keep me in prayers instead of trying to visit. I do appreciate kind thoughts! 
Ps. The neighbors do get upset when the driveway is blocked"
●Sweet Syndi... wow I love her! She was showing us all her epic paintings and had her music still on, and we hear..."gimme gimme a man after midnight..." haha! Haven't heard that song. But she agreed to make us little paintings as bookmarks for us!
●so...many...missed turns... wow my companions must be so patient...
●On pday, we went to Chick-fil-A, and we saw our good friend Aydan! The Chickfila employee put my name as Griplin... wow I'm disappointed Chickfila! Also I watched Elder White chug some avocado lime dressing and that was unnerving. 
●Also, doin' better at disc golf if I do say so myself hehe! Carried my team on pday hehe! 
★Brandon... We zoomed over there because Brandon texted us and said to cancel his baptism and then wouldn't answer our calls. We talked about everything that is going on in his life. He got in a fight with his boss and lost his job, plus Belinda was in the hospital so he's just been going through a lot. He said he woke up late and then smoked a cigarette so that's why he canceled his baptism. We were able to talk about forgiveness, and wow, I've never seen such a repentant soul! He is ready to move forward! We reset his date for March 18th. Pray for this guyyyyy! I've never wanted baptism for anyone so badly! 
★Pey asked us if he could smoke during our lesson, and Sister Mickelson said "Its your choice!" He lit it, but he never even took one puff and then said "this is disrespectful lemme get rid of this." WOW he had a change of heart! The Spirit works wonders! 
★We met the Gugel family! They have cute twins. Already feel a bond with those kiddos! 
★When I was in Anderson, Darren and his nephew Rodney both came to the church for a church tour! Darren has a prosthetic leg and so it was a little bit of a challenge. He was wiping sweat off every time we paused.  BUT they have a fire desire to learn! Can't wait to hear how they progress!
★Flat tire heroes... so second time in 2 transfers, we got another flat tire. We filled it up with air so we could go to one more lesson. Then we realized it was still losing air. Apparently a rock punctured it. So we parked in the church parking lot.  And then. We couldn't even get the lug nuts off! We were all pulling and nothing! We almost peed our pants we were laughing so hard. Anywho, the elders had to come help us, and bam in like 10 minutes, they did what we couldn't even do in an hour. I even hopped on the little wrench thingy for a second. Welp, pray for us that we have no more flat tires! 
★HUGE miracle of the week,  Maria! After coming to church for almost a month with a member, she's loved it! Her work hours were keeping us from meeting with her. But she recently lost her job and was able to FINALLY meet with us! (God works in mysterious ways). After teaching her the restoration, she ASKED US if she can be born again! She's praying about a day to be baptized. And just another cherry on top, she came to a service earlier than normal because she had a funeral to attend just so she could take the sacrament! And a member of the ward offered her a job. We love her so much! This daughter of God is on FIRE!
★Our zone decided to Top 5 focuses! 1-Charity/love/boldness 2-Member Present Lessons 3-Joyful Obedience 4-Unceasing Diligence 5-PMF work
It's been so fun! We started sending miracle videos in daily and popcorning each other. Wow its hyped us up! 
Spiritual Thought 
Having a solid testimony is so important! It needs daily nourishment. So many times I've seen our friends start to fall away from their goals, and it all comes down to 2 things: they aren't praying and reading their scriptures daily! Prayer and the Book of Mormon ESPECIALLY are powerful tools against the adversary, and are great supports to lean on in times of trial. I challenge each of you to really focus on these things. It will change you to become the person God wants you to be!
Alma 32:27,38,41-43
None hehe! 
Walk to the cows!

Cute water, decided to stop for a picture to bring the MEPS up


Anderson sisters!

Penrods feeding us again hehe!

Palmer Ct? Picture please! (Also where we pulled over to inspect the flat tire)

Sisters+changing tire=MAYHEM

Elder White and Elder Larsen saved us! 


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