Week 49: Wardroppy returns, melted Tupperwares, and new friends!

Okee dokee this is literally a month late holy smokes I gotta be quick so I can catch up! Events from Jan 23rd-30th Odds and Ends ●A member sent us this joke: Why do the Lamanites have sore legs? Because of all the knee fights. Hahahaha! ●I called a number we had in for a member. But the lady who answered only spoke Spanish! Whipped out my EspaƱol hehe! She was shocked that I spoke some. Just enough to get the idea across.. ●This less active member I met named Tamara looks so much like my grandma Hamilton! ●Went to Firehouse Subs with Sister Wardroppy... tradition ●So we pull up to a house and we see a dog, but we aren't sure if its chained up. So I decided to be the sacrifice (aka the brave one) and get out of the car. I hop out and yes it was chained, but very quickly a teenager in big baggy black sweat pants and black jacket with the hood up opens the door and asks what I was doing. I start talking while my companions are still in the car. Then this teen starts sa...