Week 49: Wardroppy returns, melted Tupperwares, and new friends!
Okee dokee this is literally a month late holy smokes I gotta be quick so I can catch up! Events from Jan 23rd-30th
Odds and Ends
●A member sent us this joke: Why do the Lamanites have sore legs? Because of all the knee fights. Hahahaha!
●I called a number we had in for a member. But the lady who answered only spoke Spanish! Whipped out my Español hehe! She was shocked that I spoke some. Just enough to get the idea across..
●This less active member I met named Tamara looks so much like my grandma Hamilton!
●Went to Firehouse Subs with Sister Wardroppy... tradition
●So we pull up to a house and we see a dog, but we aren't sure if its chained up. So I decided to be the sacrifice (aka the brave one) and get out of the car. I hop out and yes it was chained, but very quickly a teenager in big baggy black sweat pants and black jacket with the hood up opens the door and asks what I was doing. I start talking while my companions are still in the car. Then this teen starts sassing me so hard... I was shocked! At this point Sister Mickelson walks around the car and sees this teenager talking back to me. So she cuts to the chase "Oh are you Tammy's son?" Then the teenager says "...I'm a girl..." at that point we start getting back in the car as the girl closed the door. There was no saving that one.
●Got some DELICIOUS ginger candy from the Bruderers.
●We knocked on a door, and this woman opened and it looked like she was having eye troubles... I knew she was blind when she told her husband there were 2 girls at the door instead of 3... so sad...
●This lady said she didn't have time for us because she was picking pecans...
●We asked a member a week ago if he'd give our friend a ride, and he said no. So this time we decided to call and ask instead of text! He boldly told us "we don't pick up ANYONE for the missionaries anymore because last time we did, I had a knife pulled on me. We will never EVER be giving rides. Ever." Wish that someone had left a note so we didn't have to bring it up again and open the wound...
●Brandon's cat's name is Cheeto and he was purring up a storm and would not leave me alone during the lesson haha!
●We had to drop off Sister Hoyal today with Graniteville because we have MLC tomorrow. She was making gluten free pasta super quick to pack and go. I started cleaning behind her, and so she forgot the stove was hot and put her Tupperware on it. I saw after a few seconds, but it was too late. I pulled it up and the pasta and sauce fell out of a melted hole in the Tupperware. We were already late so we had to just leave it and go. When we came back I pried off a solid piece of plastic off of the stove. Bahaha!
●We played pickle ball with the Penrods this pday!
★I GOT TO GO ON AN EXCHANGE WITH SISTER WARDROP! Reunited at last ♡ I get to call her weekly and check in with her, because her and Sister Mackowiak are the only English sisters in their zone.
★We were looking for a man named Keith Fairchild, and his number no longer worked. We passed a realtor sign and IT WAS HIM on the sign. Haha! God really was showing us he's aware of us!
★I got to sing my aunt Jennifer's song 'Comfort in Christ' at Zone Conference! Thanks to Sister Harris for singing with me and Elder Johnsen for playing the piano!
★I met this 10 year old girl named Olivia Seawright. And let me tell you. This girl emulates my little sister Hayden! I fell in love with her instantly! Her dad is a member but now attends another church. But Olivia started asking questions about religion, and he had us come over to meet her! I got to show her a fun way to remember prophets. I know I am meant to be here to teach her! We gave her a Book of Mormon and have a dinner appointment on my bday!
★Desi has been losing everything... his job, his brother's health, his car... he needs prayers!
★So right when I got to this area, we had a huge miracle where we knew Kristi Glenn had moved, but her brother lived on the same street. We prayed and I pointed to a house. We walked up, no one answered, but we saw a package with Steve Glenn on it! So fast forward to now. We've knocked several times in the span of weeks with no answer. This time, Steve answered! We talked with him and he said when we found his sister, we could teach him! Motivation or what?! God is SO good! A little awkward moment happened after... so I went to shake his hand (right hand to right hand) but he just grabbed my hand with his left. Then he holds up his right hand with only 3 fingers on it. He tells Sister Mickelson "high three!" And she just kinda grabbed his hand awkwardly hehe! Huge miracle though that he answered!
★Brandon requested a visit online. His requested topic: BAPTISM! At first he didn't seem for real... but we had our first lesson and he IS AMAZING! AHHH! He has some member friends and he's super interested. He wants to work towards baptism! He didn't come to church this Sunday, but hopefully next!
Spiritual Thought
Something I learned in zone conference was that the Holy Ghost is mentioned SO MUCH in the Bible! We know that baptism is not complete without the second half--receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost! In Acts 8:15-17 it proves the gift of the Holy Ghost. Hebrews 6:1-2 mentions the doctrine of Christ in the Bible. And Acts 19:2-6, John the Baptist talks about baptism by water and the Spirit. I'm so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost that I've been able to have with me to guide me in my personal conversion to Christ! Make sure to recognize the Spirit in your life and follow His promptings!
P.S. Sister Bradshaw is with me RIGHT NOW because she has to sleep over for our Mission Leadership Council Meeting tomorrow! Eeeee! So glad to have her around for just a few hours!
My Grandma Hamilton had her birthday!!!! Love her to death!
Also my uncle KARL I LOVE AND MISS YOU! Happy bday!
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Matchy matchy! |
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my little Wardroppy |
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Newberry+Gilbert sisters |
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Zone conference! |
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pickle ball with the Penrods! |
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mi familia |
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Our Zone!! |
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