Week 34: Ceiling Fans and Announcements in Prayers

Okay! I am still in Newberry! Hurray! But... I lost my other half🤧 Sister Bradshaw was transferred to Charleston. This girl not only showed all our FRIENDS unconditional love, but she showed ME unconditional love. There were a few days this past transfer where the adjustment seemed too much and I was in a low place. I was crying, and Sister Bradshaw looked at me and just hugged me and we stayed that way for a while. From then on I KNEW I could lean on her for any support I needed. We skyrocketed together and landed on the moon. Now she is headed on to another galaxy, in Charleston. I miss her and am so grateful for the amazing friend she was to me. Only 6 weeks, but a lifetime of core memories. ✨️ MEET MY NEW COMPANION Sister Gracie Carter! First thing I noticed about her (well the first is that she's gosh dang BEAUTIFUL) but the second thing I noticed... she's TALL! I've never had a companion really near my height. But we are both 5'9"! Don't ask me which is...