Week 33: All the time, God is good. God is good ALL THE TIME!

 I'm. SO. HAPPY! I love being a missionary more than anything. 

Odds and Ends 
○saw my first roadkill armadillo... it's legs were like stick straight...
○apparently I use a rake wrong and I got two gnarly blisters on my thumb pits (for lack of a better word). You'd be surprised how often you use that part of your hand. To pull up your skirt/pants, for handshakes, to hold a bag...
○I learned what a cochlear implant is and how it works!
○During a lesson, a little girl was giving me a check up by putting the ear-checker thing in my ear and tapping my knee with the reflex tester haha! It didn't phase me until she said "you have to kick so we know it's working!" So so cute. I love little kids!
○I got a SUPER fuzzy jacket and I hadn't washed it yet, so i had fuzzies all over my shirt. One of the guys we were teaching offered to help me pick them off... needless to say we are not attempting to teach him anymore hehe...
○Sister Barnes, a lady I LOVE in the branch, was in the movie FOOTLOOSE!!!
○Brother Black is literally teasing about me everything. He was literally looking at a spot on the couch and I was going crazy figuring out what is was. I'm too gullible... it's bad.
○The stake I'm currently serving in has a prophecy from President Eyring or Elder Bednar (I can't remember which right now) from years ago, where he said this stake would be a gathering place for saints. Not the next one over or above. THIS stake. It's pretty cool!
○ I waved at a baby in Relief Society and he smiled SO big. Sweet little angel.
○ A little girl named Gracelyn sat next to me in sacrament meeting. I leaned over and asked her how to spell her name, and she whispered it to me letter by letter.  I drew her name super quick all cutsie on a note card. She smiled so so big and showed her mom. Then SHE leaned over and asked me how to spell MY name. I showed her my name tag. Then she gave me the cutest picture EVER. Then she threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me. Literally I miss my little sunbeams and dance babies so much! And I miss my little sister Hay Hay...❤️
○Made some FIRE butterscotch cookies
○Sister Bradshaw said that there's a quote from this movie that we should start saying. Hence the email subject :)
○Sister Bradshaw and I had our first good high five of the whole transfer!
♡-Wednesday morning we had service. It canceled while we were pulling up, so we decided God needed us to still do service, just elsewhere. Our friend Shayna had started raking her yard a few days ago. We checked and she just so happened to have left her 2 rakes out in the yard... so we hurried and by the time she got back we had finished!
♡-Our apartment manager told us we were driving the wrong way in the parking lot so we didn't accidentally get in an accident. 
♡-No one came to gospel principles this week, BUT we were able to show our Primary and Relief Society Presidents our visuals we use for our lessons and they hyped us up in front of our leadership! 
♡-Sister Bradshaw absolutely DESPISES berries. She usually tells people she's allergic, but this member didn't ask. And then. Berry cobbler. Uh oh. Thankfully the member didn't pay attention and was eating a lot of it and she didn't have to eat any. MIRACLE!
♡-Dixie has anxiety and depression meds, and since meeting with us, she hasn't had to take them for a whole month!
♡-Dixie learned the plan of salvation and she wants to be baptized! She is sooo humble and wants to share this same message with people. 
♡-Adam is still reading the Book of Mormon even tho he isn't meeting with us! WoohooWoo-hoo! 
♡-Our friend Trail has been thinking of baptism for a while! We invited him to prepare for baptism in November, and his cousin Chyann ALSO accepted the invitation, even though we just met her! She asked so many questions and is already reading the Book of Mormon! Ahh we love her!
Spiritual Thought 
Ammon is now one of my FAVORITE stories in the Book of Mormon! It's cool reading his missionary experience being a missionary too! Y'all can ALL learn from Ammon on how to share the gospel. My FAVORITE verses so far is Alma 17:32-33. The verbs are just amazing. SEARCH. FOLLOW. RUSHED FORTH WITH MUCH SWIFTNESS. HEAD. GATHER. ENCIRCLE. This is how I want to be with God's children. This is how a missionary tends to the sheep. This is how God would have his work done. I want to be as amazing at gathering the flock as Ammon. I know with the Lord at my side, I can be!! He will help me reach my full missionary potential. 
***TRANSFERS ARE THIS WEEK. I'm pretty sure I'm staying, but you never know...
#Simpsonville #therefor6gonethenext
I love you all, look towards the heavens and remember God is so aware of you!!!
EMILY LEWIS AGGHHHH SHES 20 NOW! If any of you think you love her more than me, your dead wrong. It's always better with her in my day ❤️
Happy bday also to Josh my amazing cousin who led the example for me to go on a mission 😊



ready for DCM!

DIXIES baptism calendar!


The Browns (my literally favorites)

elders do be elders...

Gracelyn's drawing 

reminding Arthur and Anita to be kind and love one another!

Trail and Chyann!!!


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