Week 22: Goodbye Surfside, Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, Brooke and Brooklyn!

...after 5 months of serving in the Surfside ward and Georgetown branch, the Lord has called me elsewhere. It was so hard to leave my new home, and those who took care of me. I will never forget the many nights at Sister Darden's, sneezy in the apartment complex, and the precious memories of my beloved mission mama Sister McGhee and my cutie and gorgeous MTC comp Sister Horman. It was so hard to leave the people I'm sharing the gospel with. But there are others in the world that Heavenly Father knows need me more. On to my transfer news! Transfer News!!!! I have been transferred to the Simpsonville 1st area in the Greenville Zone! I am PINK washing! ***when 2 missionaries are moved to a new area neither have been before, it is called white washing. But pink washing us when it changed from 2 elders to 2 sisters. This ward hasn't had sister missionaries since 2013 it looks like from the records we have!!! President Monson asked that we really start helping the work move for...