Week 20: RAIN, more rain, and MORE RAIN! With planted and growing testimonies!
Otay y'all this bouta be a short one. I'm so grateful to be a missionary! BOY time really does fly, I can't believe how far I've come!
Odds and Ends
-had Hawaiian haystacks at a member meal that reminded me of home!
-saw a bowl of rotten seafood that definitely has some lil creatures in it... blah
-got free Mary Kay beauty products from Beth after organizing!
-Sister Horman trimmed up my hair!! She's so talented I had to use her while I have her!
-found out our friend Wayne was already a member after having 1 and a half lessons with him
-had a chewing gum competition with Sister Horman that is still ongoing! On and off, but we will find a Victor.
-someone said "thank you Lullaby" after I helped her pick up some Rolos she spilled. New favorite little name like "sugar" or "love." It was so precious!
-got plants from Janel Dwyer to take our entire missions!
-had roasted peanuts for the first time!
-Sister Horman summoned the rain!
-We got a few free Bible calls this week! Mini miracles!
-A man evened out with our car while we were driving and waved to us! He pulled out his cross necklace and smiled. We rooted him on and showed him a picture of Jesus. It was a precious moment!
-Our sweet girl Velma who is on date for July 30th has been really trying to follow the Word of Wisdom. We made bold promises during the lesson that the Book Of Mormon will bring strength to overcome temptation, and she have no desire to smoke, drink tea, or coffee. She has now gone 3 days without smoking, 2 days without tea, and 1 day without coffee!! The power she's gained from the scriptures is miraculous! I can't wait to see her continue to progress and come closer to God.
-Our friends Jimmy and Michelle are READING THE BOOK OF MORMON! We were explaining the Restoration of how a family left Jerusalem and came to the American continent (Lehis family). Michelle said "Oh yeah on the boat they built." AHHH IT MADE US SO HAPPY! They said they'd come to church this coming week! Eeeee!
-We had 9 lessons in one day. It was a miracle we made it through all of them! It was all with the Lord's help to guide his sheep.
Spiritual Thought
2 Nephi 30:6-7 "6 And then shall they rejoice; for they shall know that it is a blessing unto them from the hand of God; and their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a pure and a delightsome people.
7 And it shall come to pass that the Jews which are scattered also shall begin to believe in Christ; and they shall begin to gather in upon the face of the land; and as many as shall believe in Christ shall also become a delightsome people."
As a missionary, I will have the privilege to guide others to become delightsome people, as well as gather the already delightsome! And we are the delightsome people because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ponder how you can be more delightsome through the Son of God!
Sent with much love,
Sister Palmer
It was my SWEET cousin Sophie's 12th birthday on Sunday! Ahh she's so big! I wore the bracelet she gave me for my mission coincidentally on my mission! Ah I love her.
Elder Tietjen hit his year mark! Go congratulate him! He's half way there!
Prayers 🙏
*Pray for my MTC lovelies Sister Chiniquy and Elder Schlerf!
*Please pray for a way to be presented to us to help get Velma to church!
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lil trim and sunshine |
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plants from Janel |
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Sister Solheim from AZ knows my family! |
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Pizza night!!!! |
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You're welcome dad |
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peeked at the beach! |
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