Week 21: Friends Passing, Packed Chapel, and South Carolina
My goodness here I am again! Just wanted to say first, that God is SO good, and His work is progressing here in South Carolina. I'm so happy to be apart of it!!!
Odds and Ends
-tried grouper for the first time 😋 definitely a win
-got a call from our Free Bibles on the back of our car. Bur this guy asked if we had free beer... we disappointed him
-I bought the til tok apple juice where you can bite the outside of the bottle to make it sound like you're biting an apple
-I got a driving warning... that means our little robot driving assistant called tiwi has tattled on me for various reasons.
-Velma said she loved a picture of the white dove in a magazine. We bought her a picture frame for her birthday and her reaction was priceless!
-We got to attend a baptism in Summerville for one of Sister Hormans old friends she was teaching! He is paralyzed and it was touching to see him assisted in his major choice to follow Christ.
-On Sunday about 5 children hugged me and it made my whole day!
-Someone paid for our box of peaches
-I scared Sister Horman by hanging a blanket over the door when she was in the bathroom
-Ava! Our friend Jon has been a member for about a year. He wants his daughter to follow Christ's example and be baptized! We asked her what she knew about the Restoration and this little 8 year old girl starts talking about the Urim and Thummim! This girl also says the most TENDER prayers and without any hesitation always goes to her knees. I love her so much! So smart and so connected to the Spirit!
-VELMA! YALL if you prayed for Velma to get a ride to church...THANK YOUUU! We were able to get Velma a ride. She had enough oxygen to come and the Lord blessed her for her efforts! She loved the hymns so much, so President Holt let her take a hymn book home to look at!!! <3
-Michelle and Jimmy are drawn to the gospel. They ALSO came to church! They have been diligently studying the Book of Mormon. I can feel their testimonies grow stronger and stronger! It's the most beautiful thing to watch.
-The end of this week was hard. Unexpectedly our beloved friend Carmen was hospitalized and then passed away in less than 12 hours. After receiving the news, we cried. As missionaries, we teach the gospel here on Earth. There is an opportunity to learn about the gospel after we pass on too! But it's so sad to see a friend pass without those complete blessings here, by making sacred and necessary Covenants. Sister Horman and I cried for a few minutes, then had to wipe our tears and continue on with the work of God. The miracle here is that God is merciful, and we know it's not the end. I know Carmen is in a place of learning, and just as he said himself, "It's all true!" I love him and will miss pulling up to his house to find him always on his porch. You'll never be forgotten Carmen💔
-We had a visitor wander into church on Sunday, and he wasn't 100% there mentally, probably on something. It was hard to be cautious and Christ like at the same time. Thankfully a brother in the ward was there while we talked to ensure we were safe. I knew I was dealing with a child of God who needed the gospel. I tried to think what Jesus would do. He seemed to enjoy 2nd hour, but after church wandered off and tried to light a cigarette in the chapel. A lot of members voiced their concerns. The whole experience really shook me up, unsure if I handled it correctly. But I know Heavenly Father was aware of the situation and helped me do something to help this precious soul. I only hope I was an example of Christ. It really was a chance to learn. I hope he finds God's true gospel again! The miracle is he was patient and learned something more about Christ.
-The miracle of Sunday is that so many friends were able to attend church!!!! 6 of them! Michelle, Jimmy, Ava, Velma, Charlie and Charles and Sophia!!! The Lord touched their hearts and it really was like having a packed chapel.
☆Transfers are this week! I'm nervous I might leave this home I've made and family I've gained. But I will trust in the Lord, I know I'll be led to those who need my testimony to help grow theirs.
*thanks for all who prayed for Velma to her a ride 🙏 ❤️ miracles do happen!
Spiritual Thought
Just a reminder that God always knows best!! Read Jacob 4:10!
Love you, I'd love to hear from all y'all! Email me, message on messenger, or send a letter if you'd like! I haven't forgotten about any of you. You're all in my heart! God bless you!
-Sista Palmer ♡♡♡
N/A for now!
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Facials for pday |
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Tabitha requested a mirror selfie! |
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Peaches🤤 |
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Velma and her bday present! |
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green eyed babes |
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Sister Donnelly |
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the missionaries who gathered for the baptism plus this sweet member |
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