Week 18: Sunflowers, Sharks, Swollen Buggie Bites

Okee dokee my artichokees!!! Welcome back! Just so y'all know GOD loves you SO much! And you best believe SISTER PALMER loves you so much too! If any of you are in need of a little extra love, let me know. I'm here for anyone who needs to be reminded❤️ Odds and Ends -A dog peed on my shoes. Thankfully because they were leather vans I could shake off the puddle and then wipe it down. But my soak was a little soggy... -We went to the Aquarium for our own little pday! My favorite part was the shark tunnel!!! -Cracked my phone... :/ only 4 months into the mission! -Some creepy crawly bit my foot multiple times and it's now supa swollen... 🥲 -We celebrated our 4 month missionversary/birthday with Oreo cupcakes that Sister Horman made! -We went to the Farmers Market and got Pina colada honey sticks! -Freeze dried apples are so. GOOD. -A cashier at Cookout asked us if out 'Free Bible' sign says 'Free Babies." She was super concerned. We assured her that w...