Week 18: Sunflowers, Sharks, Swollen Buggie Bites

Okee dokee my artichokees!!! Welcome back! Just so y'all know GOD loves you SO much! And you best believe SISTER PALMER loves you so much too! If any of you are in need of a little extra love, let me know. I'm here for anyone who needs to be reminded❤️

Odds and Ends 
-A dog peed on my shoes. Thankfully because they were leather vans I could shake off the puddle and then wipe it down. But my soak was a little soggy...
-We went to the Aquarium for our own little pday! My favorite part was the shark tunnel!!!
-Cracked my phone... :/ only 4 months into the mission!
-Some creepy crawly bit my foot multiple times and it's now supa swollen... 🥲
-We celebrated our 4 month missionversary/birthday with Oreo cupcakes that Sister Horman made!
-We went to the Farmers Market and got Pina colada honey sticks!
-Freeze dried apples are so. GOOD.
-A cashier at Cookout asked us if out 'Free Bible' sign says 'Free Babies." She was super concerned. We assured her that we would rewrite it so no one else thought that too. We are friends now. 😁
-Valentina!!!! We had a day FULL of cancelations. And I mean full. We had one last lesson an hour away, for our friend  Wilhemena, and we hoped she'd be the one who was home. Nope. She wasn't. BUT. A d this is a big but. We met her sister Valentina! We talked a bit and when I went to hand her a passalong card with out info on it, I apologized for accidentally stepping in her wood chips. She said "Oh no it's fine, as long as you don't step in the memorial garden." She had just recently lost her son, who had something called the butterfly disease, where their skin is so fragile like a butterfly. So she had cute pictures and butterflies resting in the wood chips. Then we were able to teach a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. All because my little foot decided to step into the wood chips! Did a bug emerge from the wood chips and eat my foot alive? Yes. But it was totally worth it!
-Another day this week passed by with a lot of effort but not a lot of success. Sister Horman felt prompted to call 2 people right before our missionary curfew. She was SUPER bold and straight up asked if they were still interested. They both were! I'm learning so much from my gorgeous comp!
-Bill is one AMAZING man. His left leg is amputated to the knee, his left side of his body is paralyzed because he was shot in the right side of the head, and his skull is misshapen because of it. But this sweet old man... he is probably my favorite. He is SO considerate and kind. And he sees how fired up Sister Horman, myself, and our member friend Rose are about the gospel! We had a REALLY good lesson with him, and I'm excited to see where the Lord's word takes him! He's excited to read the Book of Mormon!
-On one of our slightly harder days, a man doing yard work started talking to us. He said we have the hardest job ever, to get people to listen to the truth. He told us not to get discouraged, and that the difference between those who fail and those who succeed is the successful don't give up. This mystery man of encouragement spoke to my soul and was an angel in my life.
-We got a little bashed by this woman we stopped by to visit. But we shared truths we know, and held our testimonies strong. We were able to walk away in still with the Spirit and without being discouraged! It was a great feeling.
Spiritual Thought 
This week I spoke in Surfside about the ordinance of the sacrament. The Savior extends a promise to us when we partake of the sacrament, or the Lord's supper, in the Book 3 Nephi 18:12 "And I give unto you a commandment that ye shall do these things. And if ye shall always do these things blessed are ye, for ye are built upon my rock." When we partake of his body and blood, we will have HIS SPIRIT. That is the most powerful thing on Earth. And similarly, we will ve built upon HIS ROCK. that is the strongest thing imaginable. So when we partake of the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, remember Him and the blessings He promises! He is waiting to give them to you.
-My lil cousin JACOB had a birthday! Happy birthday little birdie! Hope it was a great day filled with lots of fun!
-My favorite sunbeam, and my little sunshine VANDER turned 4!!!! Ahhhh I love and miss this sweet boy. He is just TOO CUTE!!!
-My gorgeous girl MORGAN turned 19! I'm so lucky to have this girl in my life. The support she gives is unimaginable. I wouldn't be me without her ♡ go wish her a happy belated birthday!
-The one and only MUSCLES has gained another year of wisdom. I miss this man. He is one of a kind, and has such a tender heart. Happy Birthday Brandon!
-Elder Wyatt Hendrix is in his last year of being a teenager. His birthday is actually TODAY! Go wish him a happy birthday before its tomorrow!
SISTER CHINIQUY is packing and headed to the MTC this week. Please pray for her to adjust well, for health, and for safe travels. She's about to bless the world in a way no one else can! I love her to pieces and I'm so proud of her.
ELDER SCHLERF started online MTC today!!!! This stud is going to join me in the work over here in South Carolina real soon. Pray for him to get the most out of his classes!!!! He us such a dedicated person and I look up to him in so many ways! Im so excited to be serving with him soon!
Love y'all, make good choices! Smile more! Til next week!
-Sister Palmer

4 months!

pina colada honey

sunflower fun

I push the limits of staying in the lines

the Aquarium!


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