Week 17: Sweetest Sister Missionaries, Car Wash Troubles, Moskeeters, and Pokémon

And another one bites the dust! Wow this week came and went and here I am again waiting for my sheets to hopefully dry by the time I finish this email. 

Odds and Ends
-Since getting a new missionary car, I haven't really needed to know how to put the car in neutral. But then we had to get a car wash. The first time I went through I was fine! But this time... I sat there fumbling with the controls for probably 5 minutes while the instructor for the car wash was probably incredibly confused. Then the car wash was pushing us forward... and we had to wait for all 4 little locks to go under the wheels, tossing us to and fro... I don't think the guys at the car wash will ever forget me. I need to practice putting the car in neutral before the next time I go.
- Someone had a witch Halloween doorbell, What I didn't know was when you push the button,  a little plastic tongue comes out of the witches mouth and stabs your finger. Not only did I jump, but my finger was wounded form this said doorbell. Scarred me for life.
- While leaving a voice-mail for someone, I got two "check your speeds from tiwi (our little car monitor). That's embarrassing...
-We are about to start having a limit on miles... I'm scared to have to try and manage them, but I know the Lord will bless us and our efforts.
-I currently am getting eaten alive by bugs. Please send help. doTerra can only do so much.
-Everyone is answering the door in their underwear. I don't understand it.
-These two little boys at a members house snuggled right on up to me and geeked out with Pokémon with me for a minute. It reminded me so much of me and my brothers at home, and I LOVED IT. 
-I don't deserve Sister Horman. After probably my hardest day on the mission so far, I got out of the shower to my bed made for me and breakfast made too. Uh. I squeezed her so tight, I love her!
-I went on exchanges with Sister Barclay and WOW she is so driven and such a talented missionary. I even got to spend her 1 year missionversary with her!!! So special. She taught me how to always share personal experiences and to be bold with what we know!
-Had a BING moment to go check in on Kelly. We hadn't met her, and I was losing hope. We decided ONE more chance. And BAM the Lord provided! She had just gotten home from a trip and said she hadn't been contacted by missionaries and church members for nearly 9 years. But we are so excited to help remind and refresh that testimony she has deep inside of her!
-We went to someone who was marked as no longer interested, and lo and behold, we met Michelle, who is looking for something more in her life to be apart of. How about Jesus Christ's church? 😉 she said we touched her Spirit so much and told us not to forget about her. So so sweet. 
-Ashley and Andre came to church even though he doesn't have a lot of money for gas. The Lord is so pleased with them and will bless them for making church a priority!
-SO many people recognized the Spirit when we taught. Woohoo! That's the best compliment a missionary could receive!!!
Spiritual Thought 
2 Nephi 7:7-9
"For the Lord God will help me, therefore shall I not be confounded. Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. And the Lord is near, and he justifieth me. Who will contend with me? Let us stand together. Who is mine adversary? Let him come near me, and I will smite him with the strength of my mouth. For the Lord God will help me. And all they who shall condemn me, behold, all they shall wax old as a garment, and the moth shall eat them up."
THE LORD GOD WILL HELP ME. AND YOU. Through anything, and everything. We needn't be ashamed or afraid, because with Him, we have the victory. Let us stand together with the Lord. He is always by our side. ♡
MAKENA is finally 19!!! Ahhh this babe is off to big things already, she just started the MTC today!!! AHHH! Go wish her a happy belated birthday and send her some love as she's starting her service for the Lord and His people!
MY DAD had his birthday just yesterday, yes on Father's day! My dad is the most encouraging, supportive, motivating, and knowledgeable person I know. He's a problem solver, a caregiver, and a friend to all. I learn from him all that I can, almost all my wisdom can be led back to something he taught me. I love you Dad, sorry for being the cause of you graying so early. But you are still pretty young. For now. 😉
Have a great week y'all! And to my Arizonans, watch an Arizona sunset for me!
*and yes my sheets did in fact finish drying

Pday call with my stud of a brother Gav

Yes I finally bought myself a mission squishmallow

fruit for the drive between church meetings!


yummy shakes!

my sista clan

mission can turned into a moving truck!

Zone conference w my cutie comp

she made my bed


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