Week 14: Temple, the Ditch, and Sunflowers

Okee dokee artichokees!! Its been another blessed week over here in South Carolina. Had some tender moments and some testimony-strengthening experiences. Not a lot of huge experiences, and not a super miraculous week. Anywho, all of my progress and trial and improvement is thanks to my glorious Heavenly Father and him leading me. So as you read, know that this is His work coming to pass! The Columbia Temple We had the opportunity to go to the temple as a mission in 3 separate groups over 3 separate days. And OH MY GOODNESS going to the temple as a missionary is such a unique opportunity. We were able to ask questions so many times throughout our time there. The Spirit abounded and I did not want to leave!!! The temple workers had to move us along because we are just soaking up all the peace in the celestial room for as long as we possibly could! I also has the amazing opportunity to do sealings for the first time. Me and Sister Donaldson from my district got to seal sisters to their pa...