Week 14: Temple, the Ditch, and Sunflowers

Okee dokee artichokees!! Its been another blessed week over here in South Carolina. Had some tender moments and some testimony-strengthening experiences. Not a lot of huge experiences, and not a super miraculous week. Anywho, all of my progress and trial and improvement is thanks to my glorious Heavenly Father and him leading me. So as you read, know that this is His work coming to pass!

The Columbia Temple
We had the opportunity to go to the temple as a mission in 3 separate groups over 3 separate days. And OH MY GOODNESS going to the temple as a missionary is such a unique opportunity. We were able to ask questions so many times throughout our time there. The Spirit abounded and I did not want to leave!!! The temple workers had to move us along because we are just soaking up all the peace in the celestial room for as long as we possibly could! I also has the amazing opportunity to do sealings for the first time. Me and Sister Donaldson from my district got to seal sisters to their parents! Wow that was special. Sister McGhee and I both had some prayers and deep questions answered for friends. The power and peace of the temple is such a treasure. I can't wait to go back in September!
-A sweet moment in the temple just to brag about the SCCM elders for a minute. There were 2 benches to sit on, and as they were filling up with elders who walked in the room first, there wasn't enough room for us 5 sisters. So ALL of the elders got up and stood. It was so kind! There's was ample room left (5 of us doesn't take that much room!) The temple worker encouraged them to sit so it wouldn't feel awkward haha! So we pulled up 3 extra chairs and all of us were able to sit. But man those elders made us sister missionaries feel so respected and loved! 
Odds and Ends
-I saw a gator eat a French fry
-Our friend Krissy's son named Parker came into town, and we brought him a little football with his name written on it and a snickers bar as a welcome gift. He was brutally honest and told us "I don't like snickers," and "you forgot to write how old I am!" Both were quick fixes as i ran to the car to grab the sharpie and another hungry boy ate the rejected snickers. At least he was honest!
-I don't know why, but some people think we can't hear them talking inside. We knocked on this one door, and a man inside practically yelled, "Who are the two white girls outside? Do you know them? Why they here?" And we just stood their awkwardly pretending not to hear them talking about us. Just a pro tip, talk softer if you're talking about company right outside the door 😂
-I gave 2 cute little girls some stickers and they has way too much fun sticking them all over their grandma's and aunts.
-We haven't been able to use our vacuum for quite some time because when we use it , it smells like something is burning. After our inspections, we were told our vacuum needed a haircut. I'm pretty sure it hasn't had a haircut since sisters moved into this apartment 😬 so I sat there for a good 30 minutes hacking away. And for all that, it still smells like a burning vacuum. 😑 so I guess we're sticking to borrowing a members vacuum until we can get a new one. 
-This super proper guy came to our tiny branch and called it "charming." He was so fancy and eloquent.
-Sunflower: We were having a hard day, lots of house to house contacting with no answer or no interest. And then all our lessons fell through. Then we followed the prompting to visit the only unbaptized youth in our little branch. When we got there we met Jennifer and Mandy and gave them some cookies. After a little bit of conversation, I went to pull out a passalong card out of my phone case. My phone case has sunflowers on it! Jennifer looks up and says "Universe, I see you." Her absolute FAVORITE flower is the sunflower! She brought us in and showed us her desk, which had sunflower decor all over it! We were able to connect with her, and she was able to recognize that there really is a superior being watching over her! We hope to help her come back to church and remember the joy and peace of the gospel. The Lord led us to his sheep!
-Ditch: Well. I had a mini freak out. Picture this. A irrigation type ditch on the left. A little dirt road with a car on it containing Sister Palmer and McGhee. And then more irrigation type ditch on the right. Normally after Sister McGhee backs me, I'm pretty confident on knowing when I have enough room to swing around. But this time... I didn't. The front left tire went into the ditch and then INSTANT panic. But Sister McGhee was able to calmly and safely talk me through gassing it back up the ditch. We are safe, and so is the car. But it was so SCARY. And I hope the family we just visited didn't see that happen.
-Sister McGhee Conference Talk: I was asked to speak in Surfside Ward about a week before. I didn't want it interfering with the missionary work of the day, so I planned to procrastinate it to the few days before I spoke. And then in the Georgetown Branch, the speakers fell through and Sister McGhee and I were asked to speak. The topics were close, but not similar enough to be covered in one talk. So I wrote 2 different talks, and Sister McGhee even drove so I could finish my last touches. So she was my miracle ❤ transfers are coming up and I'm so nervous we'll be separated. We are literal sisters now... but if Heavenly Father needs us to be I'm different places, I understand. But for now, she's MY miracle and I don't want to share. 
-LeBaron: In one of my talks I mentioned how a good way to determine if you're ready to serve a mission is if you're able, willing, and worthy. Message me and I can send the talks if anyone wants to read through them! I went into detail about each one. When I talked about 'able' I mentioned how my Great Grandpa LeBaron was unable to serve a mission in his youth because of World War II. But he did serve as a mission president with my Grandma LeBaron in the California Los Angeles Mission as well as the Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. I shared this with the congregation. And LO AND BEHOLD, after sacrament meeting a visiting woman came up to me and said THAT MY GRANDPA WAS HER MISSION PRESIDENT. Whoa that was so cool! I took a picture with her and everything. What a blessing!
Spiritual Thought 
This is a little section from my talk this week! Yes, both of my topics were about missionary work haha!! But this is an important truth for anyone wanting to serve a mission.
The preparation you make for the temple is the same preparation you make for your mission. 
This is an important principle to understand. Temple goers are held to the same standard as a missionary. So to any youth who read my emails, or to any youth that you may know, as they are preparing for the temple, they simultaneously are preparing for a mission. If you are able, willing and worthy, you are CALLED to the work! He needs you, he trusts you. Serve him the best you can every day, no matter the circumstances! The Lord sees you and knows your efforts. I challenge you all to serve him more devotedly this week. I know that as you do, you will be "richly blessed" as Elder Aidukaitus explains, and richly blessed as the Lord promises. 
Happy birthday to my Uncle Mike!!! Miss lots, hope your day was special and the sun shined a bit brighter for you!
And happy birthday to sweet Kariya! Double digits is a big deal, go wish her a happy birthday!
That's it for now, until next week to see what else the Lord has in his plan for Sister Palmer! Love y'all! God us GOOD!
Pictures 📸 

                                                                            THE TEMPLE
Pretty sunset, even prettier companion

Matching accidentally increases comp unity 💪

the French fry eating gator

walking Watson

twinners in front of a twin sign... I miss my twinner at home! Pst Blake!

My exhaustion almost caused my eyed to be stabbed by my Chick-fil-A straw 😅


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