Week 12: Linny, Driving and Pink Lemonade

This week was so great and it I just feel so blessed, even though it wasn't the most eventful week. I've definitely learned that the numbers we see have nothing to do with a missionary's work ethic or effectiveness or success. Just standing as a disciple of Christ is success enough for the Lord. As I attempt to share His word the best I can, I have to remember that others still have their agency, and I'm ready to help them continue down the covenant path when they are! 

Sister McGhee Appreciation Moment
Okay I wanted to take the time to say some things I love about Sister McGhee!
1-She only refers to dogs as doggies. And she will always add that dog to her list of breeds of dogs she'll own in the future. No dog will go unnoticed by her! 
2-She is so stinkin' TALENTED. First off she's super competitive and amazing with anything sports related. She also has the cutest handwriting, the cutest style, the cutest hairstyles, and just the cutest FACE. I LOVE HER.
3-Her testimony is a force so strong, the Spirit exudes from every pore. She shares it lovingly and testifies the truth she stands on. And she doesn't leave her testimony to wilt, she nourishes it with increased knowledge that she constantly gains and ponders and applies the knowledge to her life immediately. She's an example to me, and a devoted friend I will never take for granted. I'm so sorry to say that you all don't have Sister McGhee in your lives, but maybe you'll be fortunate to meet her at my wedding.
Odds n Ends
-I got a free frosty because I was cuter than the 3 elders in front of me! (thinking of you Hermana Douglass!)
-I am the official designated driver for these next 6 weeks. Pray for us.
-I held a woman's concession stand cart down so it wouldn't blow away with her attached to it.
-My favorite old man Chris Christenson only drinks Twist Strawberry Lemonade. No water. No nothing, except his pink lemonade.
-I will have the opportunity to sing in church this coming Sunday! The Lauderbacks, my favorite couple EVER (I aspire to be them) insisted that I sing my song for them because they will be out of town. It took some courage for sure!! But after I was done, Brother Lauderback gave me the most sincere compliment ever. He said it was a religious experience listening to me sing! The Holy Ghost was able to testify through me to him, and I was so grateful that I could be that instrument in the Lord's hands.
-Sweet sweet little Linny... tragically this precious angel returned to her heavenly home after drowning in the river 2 weeks ago. I never got to meet her in this life. But I was able to sing A Child's Prayer at her funeral and attempt to offer comfort to the mourning Lusk family. This funeral was one of the saddest I'd been too, Linny was just 5 years old. Tears streamed down my face and several others. I watched as a brother in front of me had tear after tear plop down and rest on the hymn book on his side. But because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we know her family can be united forever, and for all of eternity. Linny was called home, and I was so thankful to sing praises for her and her life.
-On exchanges, we were contacting like CRAZY and called Benji. He said he was in a really low place and thanked us for calling him. We assured him we were prompted by God and it was not a coincidence we called him at that moment. WOW! If that isn't the Lord's hand, I don't know what is!!!
-Leroy has been putting off coming to church because his suit is packed away. He sorted through so much storage to get his suit so he could attend church. Although he had to stay home to take care of his suddenly ill wife, he was willing to make the sacrifice that he wasn't willing to make before. So proud of him!
Spiritual Thought
"Every righteous choice that you make here will pay huge dividends now. But righteous choices in mortality will pay unimaginable dividends eternally." -President Russell M. Nelson
This quote was from a young adult broadcast from our beloved prophet! I love this promise he that emphasized. That we will only see a glimpse of the blessings of our righteous choices now, and there is much yet to come! Let's follow his invitation by making those righteous choices, or "becoming just a little more holy" as his wife Wendy said. I'm so grateful for our prophet and his wise and needed council!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AUNT BRITTNEY!!! I hope you had a relaxing day to celebrate yourself master oogway!
Annnnnnd happy belated birthday to FAVORITE (AKA Aunt Kristin). Love you lots, I hope this year is your best yet!!!
ALSO MY BESTIE HERMANA DOUGLASS IS IN ARGENTINA NOW! AHHHH IM SO PROUD OF HER. Please send extra prayers for her as she's entering the field! Love you JQ!
Adios, keep comin' closer to Christ everyone!!!! ❤❤❤

Silhouette pictures

My cutie comp hit 6 months!!!

Lunch with Matthew

Heart attacked our favorite Susan

The Lauderbacks AKA couple goals

mah sistas

designated driver of the party car

Sister McGhee did my makeup!

Free Firehouse

Happy Birthday Elder Demille!!!

Whipped Cream slapping with the Zone


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