Week 9 1/2: Warm cookies and brownies warm the heart

Okay I forgot to mention in my last email something VERY important. Every 6 weeks we receive transfer news on if we are staying in an area, moving, getting a new companion, etc. And on transfer weeks, my pdays are on WEDNESDAYS. So don't worry I didn't get swallowed by an alligator and die 😉 it was just transfers this week! Sister McGhee and I will be staying the Surfside area in the Conway Zone!!! Woohoo!! I love these people too much I never want to leave... I will have to eventually, but at least not for another 6 weeks. These past 10 days have been crazy... and my email will probably be crazy too. So everyone, fasten your seat belt, it's about to get wild. Random Odds and Ends -Made cookies 2x and brownies 2x and rice krispies. Alllllllll to give to other people. You'd be surprised, your message is ten times more interesting with cookies in hand. -Pranked the Hermanos successfully twice. -We used a Jukebox for the first time! -Sister McGhee ran over a bucket and ...