Week 9 1/2: Warm cookies and brownies warm the heart

Okay I forgot to mention in my last email something VERY important. Every 6 weeks we receive transfer news on if we are staying in an area, moving, getting a new companion, etc. And on transfer weeks, my pdays are on WEDNESDAYS. So don't worry I didn't get swallowed by an alligator and die 😉  it was just transfers this week! Sister McGhee and I will be staying the Surfside area in the Conway Zone!!! Woohoo!! I love these people too much I never want to leave... I will have to eventually, but at least not for another 6 weeks. 

These past 10 days have been crazy... and my email will probably be crazy too. So everyone, fasten your seat belt, it's about to get wild.
Random Odds and Ends
-Made cookies 2x and brownies 2x and rice krispies. Alllllllll to give to other people. You'd be surprised, your message is ten times more interesting with cookies in hand.
-Pranked the Hermanos successfully twice.
-We used a Jukebox for the first time!-Sister McGhee ran over a bucket and spilled her water at the cash register at McAllister's. Can't take this girl anywhere😉😉
-We found a frog skeleton in a crack on our balcony porch.
-I used my limited Spanish from Heritage to carry a decent conversation with José at soccer night! So proud of myself!
-I made banana muffins for the first time! Thanks mom for the recipe 😘 
-You can get free Crumbl as a missionary. Limiting myself to one Crumbl cookie per transfer. I don't want to come back from my mission the size of a manatee.
-I had grits for the first time!
-A member, Sister Donnelly, looked at the time and realized it was close to our missionary curfew. She said "Hurry they're about to turn into pumpkins!" Haha! Love her so much.
Handing out goodies
-We got home after a long day and still had one more plate of cookies to give away. We saw 2 guys grilling at our little ramada so we brought it over to them! We met Felipe, who's Brazilian, and just so kind! He offered us some meat for the cookies and told us that they cook it way better than American's do. And WOAH it was so yummy!
-I've baked so many treats this week, but we are getting more people to open up! If people don't answer, we leave a note. But a plate of goodies is a lot more visible than a tiny paper that could blow away in the wind after all!
Grief in Many Ways
-One of our poor members dog got hit by a car this week. We stopped by to bring my comforting cookies, and what do we see? Sister White SHAVING her other dog with a electric hand razor. I swept up so much dog hair. And Sister McGhee jumped in to hold little Jakey as he was literally being stripped of his doggy clothing. He was shaking so bad! And then she starts going at it with scissors, and old man Jake probably got snipped once or twice. She says she does this 3 times a year, but this just seems like their family is grieving and it's being taken out on Jake. Poor doggy.
-Patrick has been worried sick about his cat. He asked us to pray with him for her, and it was so sweet. Even in our darkest times, when we can hardly continue on, our Heavenly Father is listening. Mosiah 4:9 says "Believe in God... believe that he has all wisdom." His answer to our prayers is always the BEST answer, for us now and for eternity. But he helps us bear the answer he gives. We may not know why Patrick's cat didn't come back, but it will all be okay in the grand scheme of things.
Free Bible People
-TONYA! We changed our 'Free Book of Mormon' sign on the back of our car to 'Free Bibles.' Our number is written in the back as well. We had 2 miracles with our car advertising! One is Tonya. We had been meaning to stop for gas all day and finally picked a gas station. Sister McGhee almost missed the gas station so we had to pull into the second entrance. Tonya had to go to the same gas station twice to get her coffee, and with our car oriented the right way was able to stop us and ask for a free Bible! She lit up and we had such a touching discussion at the gas pump about God. Shes interested in hearing our message! 
-LIOGUANA! (Like iguana but with Leo in front of it). We attend both our ward and branch, but because of distance we almost always are late to the 2nd ward. Well this day we were running eeeeevvveeeennn later than normal. Thank GOODNESS we were because we wouldve been in church, and not on the road! Lioguana called us while we were driving to sacrament meeting, driving right behind us! He is interested in our message as well. The Lord has blessed us through our efforts on the road, and lead us to the right places so people can be lead to the gospel.
Disappointments, but not led by God nonetheless
We had some hard things happen this week. One friend committed to baptism got a job and doesn't have time to meet much anymore, another committed to baptism and changed their mind the next day. Another said she's not ready to make a big commitment, and another rejected us possibly because I rejected her sons date. It was by no means a perfect week, but er still had GREAT experiences. The Lord will lead us to the prepared, he already has lead us to some❤
OUR mission reminders
-My SWEET Aunt Debbie and Great-Grandma Hamilton gave me this missionary reminders and suggestions book with funny and great advice like "buy postcards of all your areas" or "don't be surprised if you gave 3 bike locks on your bike and it still gets stolen." Sister McGhee and I got little journals to write little mission reminders of our OWN. Just little inside jokes and such. Might share some on here.
Spiritual Thought 
*Christlike Challenges from Sister Palmer*
-One way we've been able to find more people is by genuinely complimenting them. You'd be surprised, even over here in the South, people do still keep to themselves. So I challenge yall to compliment 5 people a day. Go spread the light of Christ.
-With our free Bibles sign we get some weirdos. Like people only asking heavy hitter questions and won't want to call to discuss, or people asking to save them from their parents household because they worship the spaghetti monster (look it up). But I've tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and still respond and text them as Christ would. The Pharasees were constantly trying to find faults with Jesus and he still responded in a kind manner. I think we all can do a little more of this, respond as Christ would to and and every situation. This week put this at the forefront of your mind. 
Email me and tell me about your experience with either of these things, I'd love to hear from all yall!
MY MUMSY HAD HER BIRTHDAY THIS PAST WEEK. She is the kind of person I try to be every day, and the closest example of Christ-like character I know. Her talents, her love, her beauty... God blessed me with her and I can never thank her enough for everything she has done, does, and will do for me. She's incomparable, and I'm thankful she's mine ❤ GO WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY IF YOU HAVEN'T 
June is now 1. Happy birthday pupper! And if any of y'all see her, give her extra belly rubs from Sister Palmer
Otay its been a long one. If you made it to the end, I hope your eyes aren't hurting. If they are, I know a guy 😁😉 (Doctor Palmer's the best you can find)
Love yall!
Pictures 📸 

District lunch trip to Waffle House (found on every corner you look at)

Jakey getting ✂️ 

Greenie by a green field

Best way to draw the Plan of Salvation

Soccer night

free crumbl



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