Transfers... my sweet Sister Mickelson. I don't know if I've ever laughed harder in my life. This girl has brought me so much joy. She teases me for my little quirks, she teaches me new life skills on the daily, she hand modifies her dresses, she paints like a queen, she has the FUNNIEST phrases, and has the biggest heart ever. Sister Mickelson is a big part of my heart now. Definitely sobbed watching her leave. But it was so fun watching her complete her mission strong! Maybe I'll name my child after her. We'll see! I'm lucky God blessed me with her and her spirit. Right before she left, we stated our missionary purpose one last time. I could hardly choke it out. Man I love this girl. Thanks for the memories Sister Mickelson ♡♡♡ but she'll be back to visit in like a month! Woohoo! Sister Bruce and I are staying in Gilbert//Lake Murray! Meet my new companion... MEET MY NEW COMPANION My new companion is Sister Annie Gibbens! Her real name is Anastasia (one of my ...
Odds and Ends ●I got to go on exchanges with my first great granddaughter in my mission posterity, Sister Ashby! Wow she truly is going to be a massive instrument in the Lord's hand in her days here in SC. ●We knocked on a door and heard some straaaange sound. We looked over at this coop thing covered in skulls and a turkey just popped his head up. Hehe! ●Emily Molano gave me one of her guitar picks and guitar book and signed it for me 😊 I love her! ●We saw a wild cherry tree! ●I slaughtered 3 spiders when we were cleaning the font for Nichole hehe! ●President and Sister Hamblin are here! In the mission! So excited to see the miracles and revelation they bring to this part of the Lord's vineyard! We called to invite them to Nichole's baptism, and they were unable to. But it was so sweet hearing President Hamblin's gentle voice over the phone! He sounded liked a greeny mission president, and WOW it just made me so much more excited to serve with him! ●One contact, we s...
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