Week 5: First full week in the field, first soul brought into the fold ❤

Hey y'all! Ahh this week has been FIRE. God is good, he is real, and he loves EACH OF YOU with an eternal and perfect love. Remember who you are, and remember you're not alone ❤ Exchanges Exchanges are when 2 companionships trade companions for 24 hrs and learn from each other. So this week I went into a trio exchange with Sister Devereaux and Sister Black. These missionaries are wise beyond measure. I learned how to navigate Area Book better (the planning app we use). I also learned that it's okay to schedule discussions really close together. This is a joyful message and when people want to learn, we are the instruments in God's hands for him to speak to their hearts! So it's okay to be confident and bold about the gospel. I went into this exchange not thinking I needed it. But God's timing and plan leads us to things we didn't know we needed. Also happy belated ginger day to my exchange girls! COOKIE FIASCO We wanted to make cookies to give to people we v...