Week 5: First full week in the field, first soul brought into the fold ❤

Hey y'all! Ahh this week has been FIRE. God is good, he is real, and he loves EACH OF YOU with an eternal and perfect love. Remember who you are, and remember you're not alone ❤

Exchanges are when 2 companionships trade companions for 24 hrs and learn from each other. So this week I went into a trio exchange with Sister Devereaux and Sister Black. These missionaries are wise beyond measure. I learned how to navigate Area Book better (the planning app we use). I also learned that it's okay to schedule discussions really close together. This is a joyful message and when people want to learn, we are the instruments in God's hands for him to speak to their hearts! So it's okay to be confident and bold about the gospel. I went into this exchange not thinking I needed it. But God's timing and plan leads us to things we didn't know we needed. Also happy belated ginger day to my exchange girls!
We wanted to make cookies to give to people we visit, as well as for Pat's baptism! So we went to the store to get our missing ingredients. After setting them all out I realized we had NO SALT. So pink  Himalayan salt was our alternative! Pro tip: Don't use a sad bendy candy bowl for making cookie dough. Then our hand mixer was broken, so I was going at it with a whisk and spatula. It wasn't looking right and after 15 minutes I went over the recipe in my head. I forgot the butter! Anywho, the cookies turned out great, but my blood sweat and tears went into them. We offered some cookies and a Book of Mormon to a homeless man but he rejected both. At least we tried! 
Pats Baptism
Patricia was baptized on Saturday! Organizing the speakers and helpers and programs for a baptism is not easy. But we did it! The day of the baptism we showed up an 1 1/2 early so we could fill up the font with a half hour wiggle room if there were difficulties. But the font door was locked! I would've hopped over the glass wall if another brother wasn't concerned for my safety. Then when we finally got it unlocked, a brother kept pausing the water flow to let the water heat up again. Needless to say the font was still filling up as we began the meeting. Pat originally only had 1 family member coming, but on short notice 8 of her family members drove 3 hours here and back to support her! The talks were perfect and I even got to sing! Pat was in her jumpsuit and additional shower shoes and cap ready to make her covenant with God. When she was baptized, she came up coughing water, but it was done correctly and safely! She told us later "I forgot to tell you I can't swim." We laughed with her a little bit, she sure made it memorable! Her sister Catherine closed with a gospel song that touched everyone in the room. It was a beautiful and memorable baptism, and I am so grateful to be a part of Pat's journey. She is so selfless and thanks Jesus all the day long! She has already blessed so many lives with her testimony, including mine. I love her to pieces!
We had a lesson with Elena on Tuesday where we discussed the restoration and apostasy and prophets. The video we shared was Hallelujah, but the lyrics were altered to align with the prophet Joseph Smith and the First Vision. Its beautiful, i encourage all y'all to go watch it! In the lesson both Sister McGhee and I were prompted to invite Elena to be baptized, but we thought we were being ambitious and that that was according to our own desires, not the Spirit. But just yesterday, we had another lesson and felt that same feeling. Elena has accepted the invitation to be baptized! On April 23rd, my mumsy's birthday. We are so excited for her and her choice to follow the example of Christ! She is beyond ready to commit to the Savior and make him priority!
We get referrals from mostly advertisements of our church. Most of the time people forget they requested it or don't answer or change their mind. But we were able to find NINE people who are ready to learn more about the gospel! Last week we had a much harder time. But the Spirit prompts us on who to message again or who to call that extra time before giving up. The work is progressing fast thanks to the Holy Ghost's promptings!
Little Ones
Stickers are a staple for missionaries! I met this sweet little boy Derek at our new friends house. And let me tell you, it made me miss my dance babies and sunbeams so so much! He plopped down right next to me and we had so much fun with dinosaur stickers! Then another day we visited the Jacob's family. When Lily saw us in dresses, she ran to go get into her own dress to match us. Little kids bring me so much joy! They love unconditionally as Christ asks us to, and we can learn from their example.
Random Moments
-Sister Darden is a member in our apartment complex who we love and adore! She mothers us so much, and takes care of us in so many ways. She was raised with a maid and a very proper household with strict mannerisms. We were eating dinner with her when she turns to Sister McGhee and says, "Sister, sister strong and able, take your elbows off the table." Haha! We love her so much.
-While doing service for Helen and Chris, Sister McGhee and I were moving this table with a mock marble top. We soon realized that the top was not in fact connected to the rest of the table. But we realized a little too late. It fell and broke into 3 pieces. I felt so bad and almost started crying. But they were getting rid of all the items in the house and so Helen just said it was one less thing to get rid of. Phew!
-I met at least 2 of Bro Jensen's cousins here in South Carolina! Kinda cool! He's from my home ward in AZ and I loved making the connections!
-Found a Darth Vader mask in our closet. hm
Spiritual Thought
In a lesson my friend Charlie said "Do I have worries, yes. But am I worried? No!" Charlie has so much trust in God. I want to relate this to D&C 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." With God on our side, we don't need to worry. We can put all trust in him. That doesn't mean we won't have hard times and heartache, but it DOES mean that we always have a friend to turn to. Or rather a father, our Heavenly Father. I incite you all to put your trust in the Lord and our Heavenly Father, for he won't ever desert you.
I ALSO invite each of you to go into conference with at least 3 questions of your heart. I know through revelation you will find answers in the words of the speakers this General Conference. The Spirit will guide and direct you as you listen to these wise and qualified servants of the Lord.
Sent with love, 
Sister Palmer



no mountains here but loads of trees!

okay Grandma Hamilton what flowers are these called? I must know!

Pats baptism day!

Sunday mirror selfies

Elder Larsen discovered clip on earrings

A proper dinner with Sister Darden

Look what street I found!!!

Brookgreen Gardens with Brother Bolin on pday!!!!


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