Week 3- Cup songs, broken plates and in the presence of an apostle

ALRIGHT everyone! It's about to get real. Lots of typos and run on sentences. But ahhhh pday is almost over so I gotta rush.

So sweet Sister Wilde had a medical issue and her district left for their missions. So me and Sis Horman moved over to her room and we were an official trio! Seriously the best. She had an appointment the next day and is headed home for a surgery and will head out for her mission in 4-6 weeks! Please pray for her! 
Sister Schmidt had a dream that Elder Allred had no legs on Monday. THEN on FRIDAY at 1 in the morning, his knees swelled up and he had to go to the medical clinic. Yikes that was special. Then Elder Ruff dropped two glass plates in the kitchen. And Elder Buchmiller is addicted to Duolingo. And we chopped Sister Schmidts hair. And the orange juice attacked Elder Summers bladder and he has to stand during class. We also found a note from a previous missionary in the wall and she wrote it on the DAY I opened my mission call. She is in the Gilbert AZ mission too which is CRAZY! We reached out to her and now we are leaving things for the next sister missionaries to go to our room! We did the cup song in the cafeteria too. Elder McConkie carved an among us character out of a carrot. I was ridiculed for how I eat my bananas in slices. And I matched with both Sister Kime and Sister Horman. And I've said hello to Elder Shank so many times his district thinks I'm obsessed with him.
These are the small moments in between classes, most of our schedule is eat, teach lessons and go to classes and devotionals. We are working so hard over at the PROVO MTC and I'm gonna be so sad to leave this place. But we will be moving on to our true purpose, to invite and help others come unto Christ! Just a few more days and I'll be South Carolina bound!
Neil L. Andersen is an apostle of our church, and is a man with big responsibilities for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and is a spokesperson for our prophet. At the Provo MTC, we had the opportunity to be with him LIVE!!!! AHHH! It was broadcasted to missionaries around the world at other MTCs. But we were the lucky ones! He taught about teaching and studying the words of Christ and how His words are the most influential way to teach. Not only did we get to be in the same room as him, but we got to SING for him! Nearly our entire district sang, and we are pretty much famous now, so lemme know if you need an autograph ;) I was one person away from shaking his hand, but I know that just being in his presence was blessing enough for me, and I'm so grateful I got to hear him speak! I did sneak some pictures... teeheehee
1-While teaching a lesson, Sister Horman was trying to think of a scripture to share. Mind you we only had 7 minutes of allowed prep time, so we didn't have time to find scriptures. But I felt prompted to share a scripture I had read just an HOUR before. It was all the Spirit, guiding us throughout the lesson. We felt like real missionaries, and that we are progressing as we connect more with the Spirit.
2- I sung so loud at the devotional I blew my voice out and it was gone for a whole day. Then the next day it progressed to a cough. So Elder Ruff gave me a blessing, and I asked specifically for a blessing of healing and comfort, as I've additionally been missing my family. It was his first blessing EVER and I got to be the one he gave it to! I feel so honored. But he said something in the blessing that only my dad has said to me, and I know he was inspired of God. He said "Know that if you try your hardest, that's enough." I balled my eyed out after the blessing just being filled with the Holy Ghost. So thank you dad for those wise words I've kept close to my heart, and thank you Elder Ruff for the blessing I didn't know I needed. And yes I am feeling better, the power of the priesthood is real!
I want to thank everyone who reached out to me this week, and I'm sorry it's been so busy. I will try my hardest to be better at emailing! Shoutout to my dad, Emily Lewis, Morgan, Blake, Aunt Debbie, Grandpa Palmer, and Kami Tietjen for sending me messages and brightening my day in indescribable ways.
Scripture thought: Mosiah 7:33 "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage."
This scripture teaches that by serving others and helping THEM through THEIR trials, we will be blessed in OUR trials and hardships. I testify the Lord is there to help you, all you need to do is ask in prayer. I invite you all to pray with the faith that he will answer you. I testify these things to be true! I love my Lord and Savior and am forever grateful for his love and teachings.
BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUTS!!! All Ironwood Ward people, please wish KATELYN SHIFLET the best birthday EVER! I love her so much and Katelyn if you see this, HAPPY NINETEENTH BDAY GORGEOUS GIRL!!!!! <3
Next email I'll be in SOUTH CAROLINA! I fly out Wednesday!! AHH I can't wait!
1- catch me lookin like Russell from Up with my laundry bag backpack

2- family picture temple day! ELDERS matching ties, SISTERS matching outfits

3-matching Sister Kime!

4- chopped 8 inches off of Sister Schmidts hair! 
Don't worry Sister Horman is a licensed cosmetologist.

5- Elder Shank AGAIN!

6-Among us carrot 

7- Elder Ruff had a SMASHING time in the cafeteria...

8- the 24 hour trio! Love you Sister Wilde!


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