Week 66: Self Criticizing VS Self Motivating

Odds and Ends

●This one guy made a low blow when he rejected us. We asked if he knew his neighbor, and he said, "No, but they don't like random people knocking on their doors and that there must be something in the water." Big sad.
●In the same night a member offered to bring us Chipotle (Sister Gibbens favorite) and ice cream delivered to us!
●A text we received from Brandon:
Brandon: "Hey hey hey so I was thinking seeing how y'all just know which scriptures I should read and needed to hear has been spot on, was thinking of playing a game to see how much I get y'all by y'all 3 giving me 3 different scriptures to read tonight. And tomorrow I have to guess which one of y'all wanted me to read which scriptures. Who said learning and teaching can't be fun. So if I get it right tho all three I get to ask each one of y'all a personal question and got to answer it could be what's your favorite animal favorite memory middle name etc. If I get it wrong each one of y'all can ask me 1 personal question. Lmk if y'all accept the challenge"
Us: "SAY LESS. Challenge accepted. We will get back to you asap with our scriptures!"
Brandon: "Bet😁"
●A dwarf hamster peed on Sister Bruce's hand 
●I got some curly hair tips from Sister Robinson!!!
●Pickleball & Chipotle & Freddy's with the district!
●I was sick with a stuffy nose all week and carried a roll of toilet paper around to blow my nose.
●Sister Harris, my old STL, came back to visit the Gilbert ward so I got to see her on Sundayyy!!!!
★The Nebekers are one of my ALL TIME favorite families. They invited us and Donna to come to dinner! Donna was so excited and loved the kids a lot. It was beautiful to see the Nebekers treat her like family! We were going to try and put her on date for baptism, but it didn't end up working out this time! But we talked a lot about baptism so its on her mind.
★There were a few times after our lessons that we had to pullover and talk and evaluate. Because they were not the best lessons, and we wanted to make sure we communicated to improve. My compañeros are really helping me learn to evaluate positively first! One thing that the Spirit taught me from this experience... see my spiritual thought below!
★James and Kristen breakthrough! Through LOTS of inspired questions, we were able to find out her concern. She wants to make sure she's doing this for the right reasons, not just for James, and wants baptism to be a goal for her! She said this lesson brought so much relief to her, and that she even felt lighter. So happy God helped us to get to this point!
★Brandon... this guy is on fire! Brandon shared an experience he had. After a long day at work, he stopped at a convenience store. He saw someone that looked like his best friend Brad who passed away, and it hit him hard, so he went home and knelt and prayed. He told us he was overcome with comfort and peace and felt a hand on his shoulder. This was an amazing spiritual experience for him! He said that the Holy Ghost is the missing link that he needed in his life. He noticed how big of a change it was from before and after he was baptized. Its been beautiful to watch him recognize this change. He wants to spread the word with us! Seriously, Brandon has made so many little changes too as he's come closer to Christ! He talks more at work, looks healthier, has set goals... the Spirit is guiding him so much!
★My comps have the gift of discernment! We were supposed to have our lesson with the 6 people we found last week, but my comps kept getting sick feelings in their stomachs! Guess we'll never know the other side of the story!
★James and Kristen... we had a lesson this week that went sooo well! The Spirit was so strong and we helped them see that the way to access the full power is through baptism! We invited them and they were touched. James still wants to finish the BOM but he feels baptism is very soon and very much wants to do it. Kristen is fearful of not knowing enough but wants it soon as well!! They're elect!
★Kristiana. Lessons with this lady I wish i would record because she's so much of a hoot! She talked a lot about needing to study in the Bible about the things we taught her. So when we talked about the spirit world, we shared 1 Peter 3:18-19 and 4:6. She goes "WHAT! How have I not seen this before! I'VE READ FIRST PETER BEFORE AND IVE NEVER SEEN THAT! This makes so much sense!" Such a great breakthrough for her!
★We were able to support the elders that serve in our same building and go to Tony's baptism! He was literally floating in his jumpsuit after he was baptized! Burdens lifted for reals haha! It was so awesome watching it to because Tony only has one leg, so we got to see the elders adjust and have both of them in the font helping him get baptized. So tender!
★Sister Gibbens had a ✨️bing✨️ to go visit Donna's after church. But Donna was out of town! But we went, because a bing is a bing! We pulled up and got out of the car. Sister Gibbens waved to lady across the street and turned around. But I kept looking at her. I called out to her and we started talking to each other across the street. We kept talking and eventually we were on the same side of the street. Come to find out she was doing a grocery delivery and she's actually from Georgia, not even South Carolina. And GOD KNEW THAT! So he sent us. We got her number and then we parted. Sent a prayer of gratitude up to Father ♡
★Bill Richardson! Kailyn was baptized almost a year ago, and her mother is a member, but father is not. And he's a truck driver and gone most of the time! But he just came to church on his own accord! It was so special! God is so good! 
Spiritual Thought 
One thing that I learned from the Spirit this week: There's a difference between self criticizing and self motivating.
What does that mean???? It means that there are 2 ways to really evaluate everything. We can either think like this: "WOW that was awful. How come I can't get this right? I've done this so many times, what was I thinking? I hope that never happens again." OR we can think like this; "Okay, you know what I sure did try! There were some really great things there. Not perfect, but there's always room for improvement! What a great opportunity to learn for next time. I'll try harder!"
Sometimes, now that I've been out a while on my mission, I feel like should know how to do everything by now! But that's not how it goes. I'm not going to ever know everything about missionary work. I'm not going to in this life, as sad as it may seem to admit! That's not how God works. God works "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" and then when we ASK to receive, and act on what we already know, he promises "unto him that receiveth I will give more." (2 Nephi 28:30). In conclusion, we aren't going to be perfect. What are we going to do with that information? Self-criticize or self-motivate? God gave us imperfections for the pure excitement of motivation! I put a little sun puffy sticker on my phone so that I would remember to evaluate positively! And it has worked. Truly God has "given me more" as I'm ready for new heights and new growth. Please, I urge you all, be a self motivater! You will be forever blessed and be HAPPIER!
Happy Birthday Uncle Mike! When I look at a bass pro shop, I'll always think of you!

Lake Murray

The Dye Family
Rainy days 

My Brucie boo!

car pic!


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