Week 66: Self Criticizing VS Self Motivating
Odds and Ends ●This one guy made a low blow when he rejected us. We asked if he knew his neighbor, and he said, "No, but they don't like random people knocking on their doors and that there must be something in the water." Big sad. ●In the same night a member offered to bring us Chipotle (Sister Gibbens favorite) and ice cream delivered to us! ●A text we received from Brandon: Brandon: "Hey hey hey so I was thinking seeing how y'all just know which scriptures I should read and needed to hear has been spot on, was thinking of playing a game to see how much I get y'all by y'all 3 giving me 3 different scriptures to read tonight. And tomorrow I have to guess which one of y'all wanted me to read which scriptures. Who said learning and teaching can't be fun. So if I get it right tho all three I get to ask each one of y'all a personal question and got to answer it could be what's your favorite animal favorite memory middle name etc. If I get it ...