Week 43: Wedding!!!

 Odds and Ends

---Found a little Japanese garden in Newberry!
---Sister Wardrop made me breakfast when I was having a hard morning ♡
---At Audrey and Richards ring ceremony/reception, they played the song 'church clap.' I got everyone to learn the line dance and by the end we had a whole crowd dancing. 
---At the wedding we were asked multiple times if we were running the wedding..
---Sister Carter has a purple minion mode 😂
---Sister Wardrop, my favorite Canadian says cutlery instead of silverware.
---When we were caroling we saw a lot of miracles! But we also had 2 awkward caroling moments. One guy answered the door and didn't look at us while we were singing. He had his back to us, calling to his wife in the house. After we finished he said thank you real quick and took the treats. As he closed the door and turned to his wife we heard "the mormons..." Hehehe!
---The other funny caroling story. First of all, our mission president said no one could reject carolers mid song. Welp we achieved that haha! We started singing when he opened the blinds. Saw his little old man face. Cracks open the door. We are singing with HUGE smiles. He put his hand up like a little kind "stop." And then he closed the door and ZIP closed the blinds. My companions had to  finish singing our joy to the world because i had to stop singing or i was going to laugh. We took the goodies with us.
---For the first time in almost 10 months, I washed my tag on accident!
---We found out we had been in contact with a rapist... thankfully we had the feeling not to go back. 
---We went to pick up some Doc Martins for Sister Wardrop on pday. A guy started following us and it was creepy. The Spirit left, and so we stared him down and then he left. The rest of the day we walked around with our arms linked together. 
---Another southern phrase for ya: "ain't no way cu(cousin)."
---The members here are very generous and are making sure we have a lovely Christmas!
---Crystals cats name is Scrappy. We call him scrap scrap.
---Crystal also calls us her Book of Mormon fam.
---Crystals quotes: "Skrange." "Arrrrange(orange)." "When I'm woke, I smoke."
---We knocked on a door, and the person inside said "WHO" we called back "the sister missionaries!" And he said "oh sorry..." and no further comment through the door. 
---We decided to stuff our comps stockings, and we had to look away at the checkout to keep it a surprise! 
☆☆☆Last week we didn't go grocery shopping on pday. Then we show back up at the apartment and gma Hamilton had sent a BOX full of goodies and snacks! Grandma just KNEW ❤️❤️❤️
☆☆☆It was my sweet sister Hayden's birthday this past week. We had a member meal cancel and we don't have a lot of food options in Newberry. But we decided on Firehouse Subs. I got to call my sister later that night. And then the next DAY, I saw my mom had posted for Hayden's birthday, and GUESS WHO WENT TO FIREHOUSE SUBS TOO?! Yep both of us on Hayden's bday! That's not just a coincidence... God played a role in that 
☆☆☆The Hoffmanns came over for apartment inspections (I made a sure to clean the microwave, they always check). They saw our broken Christmas lights, and Elder Hoffman said "I'm in the need for some used Christmas lights." He passed us $20 to go buy some new lights for out tree! It was such a sweet offer and help, and now we have a beautiful tree!
☆☆☆We went to Audrey and Richard Black's ring ceremony! They got married legally in May, but had the ceremony this week! We got to be a part of setting up and watching their special night! Sister Black was GORGEOUS! Ahhh! A core memory right there! We almost wore white to the wedding... haha thankful we changed when we realized!
☆☆☆ We walked up to the Knowles door and their German Shepherd was STARING us down. So so scary. We got out of the car---well we actually sent Sister Carter in as bait. He was super friendly so me and Sister Wardrop got out. But then he jumped in the mud and then on us. Had to whip out our car clorox wipes and clean each other's dresses. Then we had a great talk and built some member trust. 
☆☆☆JEANNE is just so amazing. She was having a super hard time, and so we had her make a list of answers to prayers she's seen in her life. She was so happy by the end! We read the Book of Mormon with her, and she said "The Bible's good, but this us what we need to be reading." She recognized the spirit she felt when we meet as the "best peace in [her]life." She lost her 8 year old girl in her sleep, and so she's been struggling to be happy. But now she recognizes every blessing is from God and she says its like "Macey giving me a hug." Ahhh big things are happening for this family!
☆☆☆Crystal went from smoking packs a pack a day to a pack every 3! She's being strengthened through the Book of Mormon. Her memory is INSANE! We told her we were going to teach her the 5 steps of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end.) When we said that, she started listing off the 5 things God has asked us to not partake of in the Word of Wisdom! "UH smoking, tea, coffee...DRUGS..." I love it! Ahahaha! She's amazing! 
☆☆☆In our interviews with President Monson, he said our areabook looks like an STL areabook! That's a huge compliment! 
☆☆☆President promised MAD blessings if we went caroling every day up to Christmas! So Sunday we tried it out. 8/12 answered! Woohoo!
☆☆☆José, our friend on date, we found out is moving. But the other elders in Tennessee are so sweet and it's a miracle he gets those angel missionaries to help him on his spiritual journey!
Spiritual Thought 
Have you listened to the song "Comfort in Christ" by Jennifer Hilton? No? Well, here ya go! The link to my aunts amazing song! It brings the Spirit so strong!  
HAYDEN'S BIRTHDAY WAS THIS WEEK! AHHH SHES 11 NOW. My little snuggie buggie is growing up. Hayden had stolen my heart from the moment she was born. I love her so much, and God KNEW I needed her light in my life. She is crafty, musical, smiley, a gorgeous dancer, and so giving. I love our girly days together and all our talks about boys in her class. She's irreplaceable and MY sister only. Sorry y'all! I'm not sharing her;) I'm so proud of who she's becoming! Love you HayHay!

Happy birthday to Uncle Turkey too🎳 !
ANOTHER part of my heart left Arizona for 2 years. Blake, my twinner and best friend, is serving in Mexico, Mexico City SE for the next 2 years! He's safely in the Mexico MTC (CCM) and I'm excited to talk to him on Christmas! He's begun an unmatchable journey and I'm so unbelievable proud of him! 

Japanese Garden

my comps made me breakfee

someone caught snoozing in pstudy!

almost bought this... I had to resist

Peppermint Chick-fil-A shakes! Our weekly pday ice cream!

a picture with the bride!!!!

Caroling at Sister DuValls!

Blake's beautiful missionary pic 

Hayden's bday! 

Last call from Blake in AZ! 

my cute crazies!


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