Week 39: Temple Trip✨️ and Half Way There!

 First off, we got transfer news a little early. SISTER CARTER AND I ARE STAYING IN NEWBERRY TOGETHER! Almost all of my companions I've only had for one transfer, so I finally get to keep one around:) We get to be together into the new year!

Odds and Ends
---I had a peppermint Wendy's frosty. Yum!
---I found out our friend Raelynn used to call me and Sister Bradshaw Elsa and Anna when she was still here. SO cute!
---Theres a place in Newberry called Pomaria. Apparently the story of how it got its name is a cow named Mary sat on the train tracks. She got hit... so now everyone says "po' Mary..." (like poor Mary) hahaha!
---This old lady said "I like your shoes." She was pointing to my bag, not my feet. She need some glasses...
---Had Low Country Boil for the 2nd time.
---I was corrected by the Southerners that the Thanksgiving green jello is not called that. It's called Watergate salad. 
---Sister Carter and I had a debate on what a tortilla with melted cheese is called. One day I said "I'm going to have a cheese crisp for lunch." She said "What is THAT?" Apparently she calls it a cheese tortilla. But we took a vote in our district and cheese crisp won 😂
---I forgot to mention in my last email I got to be in a video for the entire mission! We are extending our weekly meeting an hour to do extra role plays for those we are teaching. I got to be the investigator and it was so cool! I cried multiple times. It was just so good
---The elders left their car unlocked and got some shoes, water bottles and a pack of gum stolen... and their gas card.
---We walked up to a lady and she said "Are you a Witness?" Meaning Jehovahs Witness. We said no, and offered to give her our number. But now I understand why everyone confuses us for Jehovahs Witness. Because even the Jehovahs Witness's can't tell the difference 😂
---A sweet girl in our branch does Olympian weightlifting and is going to Nationals! So I can say I know Caroline Major, someone famous!
---Audrey told us about a time she had hiccups for an hour while driving and tried to hold her breath to stop them. Well she passed out. And got in a car accident. It wasn't bad, but the circumstances were so crazy! We got to share crazy car stories and MAN that one was unique!
☆☆☆On Tuesday we got to be in the temple for about 3 1/2 hours! Because... Audrey and Shirley went to the temple for their first times! In the temple they were able to stand in proxy for those who have passed on and be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Our mission has a recent convert temple night, so all the people in the temple were missionaries and people they had taught! It was FULL in the tiny Columbia temple. Audrey was able to bring family names and the way Brother Black looked at her when he baptized her was priceless! The first one she did looked more like a cannon ball, but she got the hang of it! It had us all crying. Such a special moment to be apart of. Then Shirley got to go! She was terrified of going under water, and terrified a scrawny elder would baptize her and not be able to support her. Thankfully she was blessed with Elder Forsberg and he helped Shirley so much. Even though the water was up to her shoulders, she would float up and not go under because she was so nervous. Our mission president whispered to the elder, "Elder, she's just nervous. Take your hand, put it on her shoulder, and just push her under." Thankfully they paused, and he was so so patient. They practiced going under the water, and Sister Webb clapped for her when she did it! She did one baptism, and then asked to do one more. Ah! She's so brave! I know there were angels supporting and helping her. Then after we did confirmations, she said "Can I shout Hallelujah?" We told her to wait til we were out of the temple. Shirley said in her own words, "It feels like I'm getting converted all over again!" We went to Nephi's Book after and got her a ring for her granddaughter and a picture of Jesus.  I was so blessed to see the Gonzalez family from my last area finally be able to attend the temple for the first time as well. Miracles are real! We saw so many people become missionaries for those who have passed and help gather Israel. There were some little hiccups, and some elders were definitely grabbed by the neck and head when they were baptized, but it was beyond beautiful and amazing to witness so many getting the opportunity to come into the fold of God. And being in the temple for a whole evening was wonderful and Sister Black made us some sandwiches for the ride home! We left for the temple at 3 and didn't get back until 9:30 so we were beyond hungry! Bless her heart, she's our little mama over here!
☆I had probably the biggest rejections of my mission this week. People said things like "we've entirely disassociated for the church. Did my mom send you?" and "My daughters about to pull into the driveway, you're in her way. You can move along to the NEXT house." and "I can't have my dog barking, my kids are napping. Uh--yes I'm Erik, but you need to leave." These people were not happy. And another lady when we opened the door, she saw us and shut it right back in our faces. So sad. But we did all we could, we gave them that chance to choose. And that's what matters! I'm grateful I get to continue to carry on. I know the Lord will lead us to those who are ready!
☆We were able to offer a sweet old lady named June some service! She was raking her GIANT yard covered in leaves. She told us how much it meant that someone actually stopped by. She told us we were too pretty to get dirty, but we told her we could come back in other clothes and help her out if that made her feel better. 
☆We had a lesson with Crystal and Raekwon and they understood priesthood by the end! Eeee! Major accomplishment 💪
☆We had a big long lesson with our friend Mary and she has a lot concerns. We sat there and wrote them ALL down, it was definitely the longest lesson of my mission. But it was an accomplishment because we were able to be respectful and talk through our differences in beliefs. Love Mary to death❤️
☆We were walking down the street after one of our friends didn't answer, and we saw some cute kids playing outside. We asked if their mom was home, and they brought her outside! She was Hispanic and understood very little English. Her daughter was trying to translate, and when we said Jesus Christ, she didn't know how to translate it. That broke my heart a smidge, but honestly she just might not know it in English 🤷‍♀️ but I took over and spoke in VERY limited Spanish. But I learned from my past comp Sister Dayley how to introduce the church in Spanish and deliver a brief message. And somehow I did it! I was very proud of myself. We got to send her information to the Hermanas! 
☆Adam and Shawn, as mentioned previously in the last email, invited us over for a spontaneous dinner! It was so sweet. We has a lesson about faith and after reading Alma 32:26-27, Adam said "AAAAMEN!" Their son Jacob was amazed at all the markings in Sister Carters scriptures! Then Adam agreed to take the lessons!
☆ANOTHER Adam miracle! Our other friend Adam had second thoughts the day before his baptism 2 months ago and had some concerns that he couldn't get past. We've had occasional contact since then. We invited him to the branch bonfire, and he accepted! The member who gave him a ride invited him to church on Sunday, and he came! He plans on coming next week as well. Huge breakthrough! YAY FOR ADAMS!
☆We pulled up to the Rileys house to meet this family and the mom came outside and she just started talking to us, and walked inside as we were talking, so we just followed her in haha! She has 4 sweet boys who we hope to teach soon after the  Thanksgiving craze calms down haha!
By this time next week...MY BROTHER BLAKE WILL HAVE BEEN SET APART AS MISSIONARY! AHHHH! I'm so proud of my twinner. He is such an example to me, and I'm excited to see how many lives he'll bless. We will overlap quite a bit, and I do look forward to my next hug with him. But I am even more excited to watch his testimony grow. Blake is dedicated to the Lord, and I couldn't be more proud of him. I am grateful God knew we needed each other here on Earth. I love you Blake!❤️ Elder Palmer coming soooooon!
*Please pray that he will be able to settle in to the MTC well! He has 2 whole weeks online. Any extra strength he can be given through others prayers would be amazing ✨️
Spiritual Thought 
(I totally forgot my spiritual thought in my last email)
Alma 37:36-37
"Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever. Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day."
When we were unsure of where to go, i saw this scripture as a parallel in our mission life. I learned how to "cry unto God for all thy support' yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord." I just love that as I follow him as a disciple and as a missionary, I never have to wonder "Did I do enough?" If I follow Him, do His will, and ask for His support and strength, it will ALWAYS be enough. ✨️😇 as can all of you!!! Pray to Him. Follow Him. You will not be led astray.
And also, in honor of turkey week, I wanted to say how grateful I am to be who I am today. Im grateful to be a missionary. Im grateful to have the talents i have. The blessings I have. It wouldn't be possible without God. It wouldn't be possible without my family. And it wouldn't be possible with my friends, from childhood, high school, church, dance, the mission, everyone! All of y'all have made an impact on me and my heart. So my thank you goes to all of y'all. And many who don't even receive these emails. I love my older brother Jesus Christ for allowing me to change for the better. Thanks be to Heavenly Father for putting all of you in my path. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you grateful for???
(Realizing i accidentally did October bdays last time haha!)
Happy Birthday to Uncle David! Love you!
And Happy Birthday to my amazing friend Marissa. Ahhh I miss you girly! 
Aaannnnddd happy birthday to Aunt Debbie! Love you forever! 

Our giant windows

Heart attacking David

Mary Bussey and her sistas
I was done with thus stove. I went HAM scrubbing it with a sponge for 30 minutes

I hit 9 months as a missionary! Gotta have a pregnancy pic🤪
(all the sister missionaries do it for their 9 months)


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