Week 40: Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Another miraculous week in Newberry! Ahh I'm forever grateful for this town that's grown to be a part of me! Odds and Ends ---Sister Carter tried to drive over a cone but it definitely got stuck under the car ha! ---Found a leaf bigger than my face ---Had red bean paste sesame seed pastry thing. Mm mm. Never again. ---Had my first actual door slam of the mission. ---We had a member meal with the Morris family. I just love them! We had homemade milkshakes. Right before the spiritual thought, Jaron and Brother Morris got into a little mini wrestling brawl. Brother Morris threw a pillow and it knocked a milkshake over and spilled everywhere. Thankfully it didn't knock over the lamp or glass nativity. Haha! Kinda a fun little moment. ---We were talking with Henning and Dana on Thanksgiving, when one of the dogs started having a seizure! Henning and I had never seen a dog have a seizure. Sister Carter proceeds to tell us about her dog. And this story just got progressively wor...