Week 31: "My favorite part was the bath"
Here's this week's email now! Had to send 2 this week! Momma wasn't too thrilled to not see my email last week haha! Love you mom 😘
And I hit 7 months! Whaaaaat?! Man this is crazy! Anywho this week was amazing, I know you're DYING to read about it!
Odds and Ends
-I finally met our friend Trail this week! The first thing he said to me was "I didn't realize how lengthy you are." So many boys my age comment on my height. It's always a great observation!
-We threw a birthday party for our friend Arthur and he literally SQUEALED when I pulled out a party hat for him. We also accidentally bought trick candles! Love this 75 year old man! (side note: Arthur is a Jehovah's Witness and they don't celebrate birthdays but he still enjoyed our little celebration haha)
-Our sweet members the Lambs have the absolute CUTEST love story! Ask me about it if you're interested! The AP married the mission presidents daughter... and it was all set up by the parents! So so cute!
-I had 5 bites for the last week from something I didn't know. I assumed maybe bedbugs just for one night? I was confused. But I mentioned it to the Black family and i realized it was probably when i went fishing. They said it was probably chiggers, and so I asked them if I should still be concerned. Richard proceeds to explain that chiggers lay eggs in their bites and as you scratch the larva hatches. I almost cried. And then I saw a mischievous glance from his wife. He tricked me! Ah. But I know he's afraid of spiders so he better watch out 😁
-We totally left our keys in our apartment. And couldn't get back inside the complex because our fob was inside. After a while of struggling our building manager noticed and saved us. She deeeefinetly laughed at us while she did it though.
-I put a Book of Mormon on our free books shelf at the apartment complex. But no one has taken it yet! So I opened the 4 other books there and put passalong cards in them. Im finding little ways to spread the word!.
-I totally forgot I hit 7 months until we went on exchanges and they greeted me with a huge hug saying "Congrats!" I was supa confused for a second.
-Our friend Rachel got her wisdom teeth out and we wrapped her ice cream carton in otter pops because we didn't have enough ice packs to keep it cold.
-We finally changed our voicemail for elders voice to sisters after there being sisters here for 7 months!
-I spoke about The Restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at church! I related it to an eye exam and I hope my dad was proud! I was actually speaking with a sister preparing to serve her mission is Tempe, AZ! Go Sister Meyers!
-We gave Trail a church tour and when we showed him the baptistry, he loved it! At the end he said the bath was his favorite haha!
***these are not in order of event, but my brain is so scrambled... SO many miracles!
---We were heading back from church and SLAM Sister Bradshaw hits the brakes hard. I look at her to ask if she almost hit something, and I just see her filled with the Spirit. She turns down our friend Patrick's street who we haven't been able to contact for a month, he hasn't been home! And BAM. His son was on the porch and he was home! The Spirit led Sister Bradshaw. LOVE HER
---Adam is our friend we stopped teaching, but we still reach out and love him! The Morris family invited him to dinner but hadn't heard back yet. And so we decided mayyyybe to text him, and we prayed about it. The Spirit said YES. And so we texted him, and decided to pray that he sees it in time. As I'm saying the prayer, we hear a notification. We both peek and see that it's from another person. So we close our eyes and continue with the prayer. As soon as I said the word 'amen,' another notification comes through and IT WAS ADAM and he said he'd come! We both screamed with joy. GOD IS GOOD! Later he had to cancel bc he didn't have a ride, but it was a miracle nonetheless!
---We wanted to paint some prayer rocks for our friends, but we didn't know where a wash might be to find some. We didn't have ANY extra time to look for them. My mom sent me an Arby's giftcard and so we were headed to Arby's. I said out loud "If there's a random rock pile over by Arbys, I'm going to lose it!" (Of amazement of God). We pull up and Sister Bradshaw says "rock pile." I look up and was in SHOCK! Heavenly Father really said "Watch this Sister Palmer!" He made that happen. We said a prayer of gratitude, and we got our prayer rocks!
---We had been PRAYING to find a ride for Kimberly to church! The miracle is that we found not one but two women who are willing to help us every week! And she is pretty prepared, and almost ready for baptism!
---We had the opportunity to go to the temple this week! It was miracle after miracle after miracle happening inside. Suddenly, a diabetic temple worker passed out! It was scary for a second. But she's okay now! Even though the temple is the closest place to heaven on Earth, it was a reminder that we still are mortal! I got to see Sister Conway back on her feet and after a capri sun, she was better!
---I bought a necklace at Nephi's Book that my previous comp had! Its a mountain with a mustard seed in it too. This relates to Matthew 17:20. The 2 days after I bought this necklace, twice was this scripture brought up in discussion with our friends! Coincidence? I think not!
---We had exchanges this week, and I went up to Gilbert with Sister Harris! We saw so many miracles in being at the right place at the right time. The bestest miracle it that she's a twin too! She has a twin brother and she's the oldest! And we have the same toothbrush and face wash! Wowzers!
---I was in Gilbert for the day when this miracle happened! Dixie finally could meet and SHE ADORES the restoration! She couldn't stop crying. She even took notes and truly sat and soaked it in!
---Sister Harris killed a mosquito that bit my forehead. It's a miracle it didn't leave a bite! PHEW!
---The primary kids sang "I Will Walk With Jesus" for the primary program, and man it brought tears to my eyes! It reminds me of my sweet sister Hayden, because she sang that song to me on one of my pday calls and I've been obsessed with it since! God was very aware of me.
Spiritual Thought
This coming weekend we get the opportunity to watch General Conference and have the prophet and his apostles speak to us! In 2 Nephi 32:3-4, it talks about how if we can't find an answer to a question, it could be because we haven't asked it yet! So before y'all go watch conference, write down some questions you have for the Lord! He will answer them in his timing through the words shared in general conference. I know it will happen because it's happened to me. Now go test it! 😉
I've been terrible at responding to personal emails. I'm sorry to all those I haven't responded to in a bit. I love you and do read them! Thank you for thinking of me!
Love you all, smile more this week!
My GORGEOUS cousin Lexi just had her birthday! She's growing up so fast! Ahhh I love herrrr! I'm so lucky to know her❤
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Sister Harris, my twinner buddy! |
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Preston!!! |
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Arthurs bday! |
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Water only cups we made for our friends! |
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This picture is GENIUS. 7Eleven. This little gas station says how many months I've served my mission, and how many I have left. Ahhh it was Sister Harris' idea! Soooo cute! |
>>>you're the bestest if you made it this far
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