Week 29: Bing Moments! Follow the Spirit

Okay quick one! Ahh!

Odds and Ends
-A member just plopped her 5 mo old baby in my lap during Relief Society. We aren't allowed to ask to hold children due to some potential problems. But this sister let me hold her chubby munchkin and didn't even ask! I was in HEAVEN. He was definitely filling his diaper while he was on my lap... but precious nonetheless!
-Sister Bradshaw definitely ran a red light 😆
-my mom sent a Walmart grocery delivery because we forgot to get groceries on pday last week haha!
-Adam said the only addiction we want to have is an addiction to Jesus haha!
-I asked a grandma if I could give her granddaughter a sticker but I think she thought I was some creepy lady offering candy... my stickers feelings were hurt to be rejected... and mine were a little too
-I had a thick ankle from one easy weansy ant... they are vicious out here in South Carolina 
---A man we met last week named Maurice seemed SUPER pumped about the gospel. Like we couldn't tell if it was real or too good to be true. We saw the address he gave us as his home was marked as a place past missionaries had gotten cussed out and yelled at. We said a prayer before we turned on his street for discernment if we should stay or not. A MINITE before we got to his house, both Sister Bradshaw and I got gut wrenching feelings and the Spirit told us NO. We are so thankful we were able to be blessed with the Spirits promptings.
---Our friend Anita wanted to come to church with us, but hesitated because she had nothing to wear. A friend we are no longer teaching HAPPENED (God knew) to mention a little thrift store in the area. We stopped by in hopes for finding a dress for her! But NONE of them seemed to be her size. Then when we were just about to give up hope, I pulled out a bright blue dress with a shawl and the Spirit told me that THIS was the dress that would fit her. Then the owner generously let us have the dress for FREE! Sure enough, it fit! And the true miracle, Anita was able to come to church on Sunday and partake of the sacrament! We always accept people as they are, just as the Savior would. But this little miracle was precious and it was a great way to show Anita we love her!
---I had a strong impression to ask our friend Adam to kneel and pray with us before a lesson, which if we do kneel to pray in lessons, it's normally at the end. I followed the Spirit and we were able to find a concern because I listened to that first BING I received! 
---In a lesson, our older friend Linda and our member friend were talking about some older shows I had never recognized. I remembered my Grandpa Hamilton watched Happy Days as a kid, and that conversation led me to pull out my family history booklet. We talked more and found out the member and the friend we are teaching were classmates in high school and are actually related through marriage! Ahhh such a sweet miracle to witness that reunion.
---We took the trash out to the garbage bin on our floor and on our way back down the hallway, we saw drips and leaks that trailed down the entire path. But SOMEHOW there wasn'

t a single drip from the trash bag in our apartment. Mini miracle!
-I called my twinner this pday and happened to call when they were visiting my Great Grandma Hamilton. It was such a blessing to see her again and talk to her. ♡
---One night Sister Bradshaw and I were really stressed. Elder Larson gave us some incredible advice! He said he has a little box with a picture of Jesus on it. He said he writes down his worries and stresses and hardships on a piece of paper and says a prayer. Then, he puts the piece of paper in the box, and "gives it to the Lord." We loved this idea SO much that right after the call we made our own! It's been so useful to give my problems and trials to the one who can carry and sustain them all. I love Jesus!
Sister Bradshaw Catchphrases
God's in control
Spirit trumps plan
Whatever the Spirit says 
That was the move
God loves effort  
Spiritual Thought 
Alma 5 has a lot of beautiful questions to consider and ask yourself. Go read and be filled with the Spirit 👍
Happy BIRTHDAY to my Uncle Cody! He was the last family member I saw before I entered the MTC. I'm so glad for his missionary example and all his advice!
I sadly don't have time for captions. Enjoy for now!


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