Week 28: Simpsonville->Newberry! Are y'all nuns?
First things first! I sadly already left my little old town in Simpsonville. I did not expect this, it came as quite a surprise! I feel like Sister Dayley and I were finally getting a hang of things. I was only there a few short weeks, but my heart still ached to leave the people I love so much. BUT. I'm trusting in the Lord! I'm here for reasons unknown by me, but very known by Him. So I'm not afraid of what's ahead! Because if I follow His will, I will have done the most I can! Now my adventures are in Newberry!
My new companion is Sister Kinley Bradshaw! She's been out on her mission for only 6 weeks so I'm finishing her training. She has already come up with new ideas for our whole mission to use. It's amazing! She's from Lehi, Utah and has the cutest bangs in the world. God knew I needed her ❤️❤️❤️ We are already planning on writing a song together! She plays the uke and has a gorgeous voice!!!
Odds and Ends
-we were asked if we were nuns 2x this week
-we were so busy on pday we forgot to go shopping hehe 😅
-ate a fig right off a fig tree
-heard the train go by in Simpsonville for the first time the day I was leaving
-Elder Nieves, who said he'd let someone die than drink caffeine, accidentally drank some! I think he cried a little inside
-I of course had to kill one more roach before getting transferred... while I was packing.
-Our apartment is known as the CASTLE in the mission. Our apartment complex was an old cotton mill. The ceilings are 3x my height, the windows are MASSIVE, the room is bigger than mine at home, I have my own bathroom with two sinks, a walk in closet... and best thing is, no bugs! 😄
-there is an "elder alter" where a bunch of elders have signed. I use it as a nightstand haha!
○Anita is a cute lady we are teaching. She has some sensory issues that Sister Bradshaw had told me about before, and said that she might not like me to touch her. But she gave me a hug! Hearts have ready been softened!
○Kimberly is actually the cutest. We had a phone call lesson, and asked if she was near her scriptures. She said was "in the tub practicing for her baptism." I love her so much. We must've been friends in the premortal life... because we just clicked so fast! I can't wait to help her continue her path towards her baptism in October!
○We were walking up to a friend's house and the next door neighbor starts yelling at us. He chased us down and said "are you the mormons?!! Bring me the truth! Do you have a Book of Mormon?" Apparently he met with elders before and he said he wasn't ready to repent then but he wants to follow Jesus now! He even gave us his address before we asked for it! He was visiting one of his friends, so it was a miracle he was there! God put him in our path! The way the timing lined up... WOW! Can't wait to see how Maurice's testimony grows!
○We were talking to our friend Dixie, and we looked down to see Sister Bradshaws legs and feet COVERED in fire ants. We had just met Dixie but she helped rip Sister Bradshaws shoes off and we bonded over that really fast. And the MIRACLE is that Sister Bradshaw only got one bite. It's like God needed that to happen or something!!!
Spiritual Thought
We shared this with the Palmer family in Simpsonville and I just LOVED it so here it is! Scripture about peace: Mosiah 29:10
Ask yourself: how can you be a peacemaker?
-No birthdays... BUT Hannah Mounteer is no longer Mounteer! She is Hannah Merkley! Go wish her and her new husband congrats! She is such a beautiful bride... so grateful she has a supportive man in her life!
My new address if you are old fashioned like me and like letters😉
2710 Fair Avenue Apt 306
Newberry, SC 29108
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Lori! |
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The York Family |
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Debbie... I love her! |
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The Palmers ❤️ |
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Sophie gave us matching BFF rings! |
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Sister Dayley 🥺 miss her |
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Sister Bradshaw!!! The bestest ever |
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